The concert tickets

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Snape was bored. As uusaul, he was sittign in his dubgeon being generery snobby.

“What should i do?” Whinnied snape. His usaul routine of bothering  stufents wasnt possible as it was nearly summer and exams were over. He huffed, totally done with not doing anythubg besides gradig papers. Guiltuly, he pulled out an enveloppe that was inside his desk drawre. “hmmm…” he thought, thoughtfully. Shodul i do It?” He did want to go, but there was the chance his students might see. “ iull take the risk” he saud, relly loudly. Billowing his cloak, he left the castle until eh reached the appariatinom point. Then, very slowly ger raeached into his pocket and pulled out the tickets to his secret addiction; miley cirus. Snape reapfd the adress on the ticket, memeberoized it, and thebn appareted to the stage. Severys liked to het there early so he arrived twhen the stadium was empty. Then, klooking around he realuzed that milet weas alereasy on the dastadege. “omg” thought nasape. “i have to talk to her.” Snape went all dfangirrly adn ran to the satage amd screamewd at m;io;ey. Mileny was scared becasue snape was kunda old but reallyt she awas awctually real.y ing tersested . “qwho are yoi” she asekd, really snotitily, “Im severus snaper and im ur bigest dNFAN. “” Moldyet was ki nda surperused by this, hwe seem ed hlike really old and stuff so he wasny the useual dan. “OK cool. waiy go. w did u  geeven get in here.” she wasnt really cxoncerwed bc sge coudl tell ge was a ciil guy, but she qas super cureious. “idk if i shou;d tell you,... “snapers trailed off. “come on tell me,,,” she saud persuatevicely. Moley was beonh really sexy and seducteived so he hgad to etell ger. “okay im ia wizard . i cn teleprotet when ever i awasnt to. “ Milet was so intruetddeged. “oOMG you are joijung,r ught?” She asaid, totally not dbeleiveing him. Ghe shook his head. “let me show youi “ Svered said. “okat” she saiud, kidmna suspiciosu of him now. “take mu heand milet. can I call yu milet?” “yeah sure whatever she said.  sp she  took his hadnd and he alppaerented them to apparenytlemt.  HE ahad a n apparetnt,ement in new york bc he was su[er rich and stuff. Them, tonec they were there, he qwas ;like “noaw do u belvuev that i am a wizerd?” Milet was o shocked abut she totes beleieved him/. “;llet me maket u a drink, milet. “ He said, truiong to be a gentle mena. He was actualy sucper nice, but he tried to make bpeiple think ge was mean adn stuf f becasue dumbledore told him to. He took ofdff his jacked tadn poudred them a buncha brandet. They nothe chugged the branfdy. She looked oat snaper and satyw he was very secy.  “Wut is uren ame agun?” she sasked, sticking out ger tounguse sexily. Snaper looked to ger, kidna half dru k. “My aname. … “ “is sneverus sanper/.” Lokkung clsoeuly at snape, sge saw he hasd a six pack and was very sdedductuvife. “Snapefr awhow old er yoiu.” She asked , genineuly interessed. “Im seventy.” HE said, tyurning his head to look at her. HIs pblaick hair swung secxily, hre was actially attractive weven tho he was super old. He pour ed them more brandt and stuff, and deccuded to put on the radei. It was wrecxking ball , by myeley scrys.  “I love this sing so mych.” He said, grooving to tge music. HE greooved so hard he spulled brandy on hikmseld. “Og no milet im so sorrt.” He said, embarred.  “Its dfine” she said, “I gyess il; have to wasgh this now.” He tore off his shirt, ripping it in half. Milet was so interessed she had no idea he was accitally ripped. He noticed her starring and said, “yeah potions talkes alot of core strengths.” She found hthis very attractive. “I usually dont do old guys, but ur so hawt ill maljwe an accepption.” “what?” sna;r saod, totaly confused. “I mean i want tto do you.” she said sexily, sticjking out her toungue.

[A/N]- hey guys hope u liked this first chapter! its more of a preview,but remember to vote, comment, and follow! 

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