What to do

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  • Dedicated to Justin Biebeer

LASt time-  when the cool dued turd arund snap saw tht it was the BEiebr! Sevuris could barley contaom his fancgirly ness and squealed loudley. Jsutsin strepped toeard the sqeauling man and spole, “Yo…”


Sverus snap was in heavin. HE had just gottnen wasted and secxed milet cirrus abd now BIERBER was talking to hgim?! But huis jiy soon eneded bc justin totally ppunched him in the face. Sna[es hooked nosde was bleding and he waz in shoke. How culd this heppen? Whiy did this hippen?

“Theats for heaving the sexs with Milley.” Justen sed, coolley. Suddently, sanper noyticed he had teh boner! Oh no thaught snap he wil totally kno that peepl hurtin g me makesed mey redy for tsecx. But jyust than beeieber looked down and totelly ssaw his boener.

“Snap.” Beebnber sad. “DO u turned on bi bing huart?” Snep nooded. “Omg im su sorri bro ididnt knew i atcaually have the sem thing!1!” Snepa wasd surprisd bc hed never herd odf anywun eldse who lickd that kinda stiff.  Snaep knew he wuaas pusghing his luck butt he aksed anywsy.

“Diud u wssnna hav sexs?” He sayed nervousley. Baeber didnt anser but insted pulled out his dicks.

“Put its in ur muoth.” Beeber sed sexliy. Den he smecked him. Snap was so turened o n by dis that he jized on de flor. Justen shoved his dic into sevruses moufth and pretty soon he allso came. Tehn beebier put his dik awaie and wa;lked out of the stor his bortdy gurds behid him. Snepepe layed there for a bit than bot the licker [sp?] and left and thot abut beiebr and millet.

“What a crayz days”! Snerp saoid to hisself. “I cnat weight for the beber concert tonit.!”!

---- LAter thet nite ---

Snapapa wass scerd to come to the cincert to earlee so he got theer just after when the tickettt sayed.

Beiebr was singign “baybae”, one uf svereresses favortie sonks. theN he saw tdat beiber was looking rifht at hime! snap was so toucheded buy this that he sturted cyring.

He hasd to mek a choikec; Justun our Millert?

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