the serimoany

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LEast Time-  finaly he got a holdon


“Gurys” he sed “you half to stop.”

Mielt n justn steopped in there traks.

“wut is it nsape/?” Snep took a dep breth.

“I haf somthing tp tell yo.” He pawsed. “I’m.... a Vamprie”


“sSnoop” Mileu said. “U mus b kiddin”

“Yea Snp campires arnt releal.” Beebr added.

“Yah they totaly ARe. Im a wizerd, arnt I? What i say is the true.” Hearing this miles and Beebs nooded.

“I gues ur rite...” Millley added.

“But wwait!” BWeeber said. “I love yu snep and mill does too.”

“Yeh snek we  luv u 4ever.”

Snspe thot abut this 4 a while.

“Well i guess u guys could just become vampirs too? I mean if u want to.” He sed.

Beebs and Miley were sooper existed.

“Omg ive always wunted to b a vampr” they bolth sayed.

okay i haf to bit u guys” snepa said,.

“oka’ they both agreed.

“also we hav to do it adt night so we shuld meet up laterr.”





it wuz verry dark in the grayve yard that snerp brought thwm too. It was soper crepy and bebs and miley were getin nervous.

“Snaep this play is totes crepey”. Miles sayd.

“Yeah i kno but no one will cum here thhis latte so were good.” Smep replyd.

hE foudn a spot with a large enbough clearing so he put candles all arund them wich made every thing more creepy than it alredy was.

“Alright Guts stand in fromt fo me.”

they stood in front of sneverys who was looking very sexy bc he was a vampure so the night tim made hum hotter.

“e quo animae , superabit ,inmortalibus ,Lorem fieri” He chanted in latin.


AS he vchented the flames of the candels became brightewr and biger. Sudenly justin passed out. Milert look ed scarred but didnt helop him bc she qwas afraid of messing somethin up/. Snaep s eyes begin to glow and hes all billowy bc wind n stuff. Finaly it blew out hte candels and snape fell to his nees. Milet stood up but she was different frum before. Her hair was black and sexxy and her eyes were perfect and red. Her skin was pale and smooth and she wuz verry graceful/. Herteethe were super white and long and she seemed better than befor. She helped snep up from the grund and then went to Beeebes to see if he wass ok. AS she pulled him up with no efort, she noticed somthin.

“Snapr...” sjhe sid. “Jusgtin.... is ded/.”

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