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September 22, 2017

"Are you sure I'm supposed to go to this?" Grayson asks as we head to the church.

I shrug, "Honestly, I'm not sure. But I didn't think you would want to sit at home with my Dad."

"How long do rehearsals take?"

I shake my head, "Have you ever been to a wedding Grayson?"

"Of course I have! But I've never been in one, so I've never had to go to a rehearsal." He stresses.

"This shouldn't take long..." I pause before quickly going into the next part, "The grooms dinner might though."

"Are you kidding me?" he says unimpressed.

I turn to him as I park, a big, forced smile on my face, "I love you!"

He grumbles under his breath, "love you too."

The church is huge and ornate, with huge stained glass windows everywhere you looked. I was never much for religion, but Julie's family was. So every time I stayed over at her house on the weekends I would go to church with her family. I walk briskly in with Grayson trailing behind me, "Shit, Danielle can I have the keys? I forgot my phone."

I toss him my keys, "Just meet me inside." he nods and jogs back towards the car.

I hear faint voices as I walk into the entry way of the church, many of them I haven't heard since high school. I had been mentally preparing myself to see a few people that I wasn't crazy about during high school. Many of Ty's friends were complete tools, especially his best friend, Tucker Walser.

Tucker and I had a very... tumultuous history to say the least. I had promised Julie that everything would be fine though. I didn't want to cause a problem in any way, shape, or form during the planning process. Plus, I knew he'd be Ty's best man from the beginning. Ty and Tucker were very similar to Julie and I. They had been best friends since they were in diapers.

I got to the entrance to the sanctuary and paused, listening to the voices of people I haven't seen in years. It's weird how you can be 22 and completely removed from high school, but once you have to be around your old classmates it feels like you're 18 and back in high school again.

Julie sees me in the entry way and waves excitedly, "D!" Her sudden excitement causes everyone to stop talking and look my way.

I lock eyes with Tucker briefly, noticing the smirk covering his features, before walking in to be greeted by Julie's parents. I take a spot in a front pew only to be joined by none other than Tucker, who scoots in close to me.

"Neubie, I was starting to think I'd never see you again." I hold in a sneer at the nickname. It wasn't that I hated the name, I just hated the way he said it.

"Well, Wals, if it was up to me you wouldn't have." I say coldly.

"You are still so feisty, I always did like that about you." He places his hand on my leg and I knock it away.

"Tuck, just knock it off, alright? We're not doing this." My tone still frigid.

He leans in closer to me, "Come on Neubie. You look better than ever and I'm single."

I lean back, "And I'm not interested Tuck. Also, I'm seeing someone."

Tucker scoffs, "What kind of pseudo-ivy league loser did you convince to date you.

I open my mouth to retaliate when Julie speaks up, "Alright everyone, let's get this show on the road. Groomsmen and bridesmaids head towards the back entrance, Ty and I will set up out here and then we'll get started."

.O.V.E.R.T.I.M.E.  (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now