Chapter 3

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Weeks had passed since Ben the Otter was brought home from the zoo. Lizzie had made a spot for him in her newly refurbished room. Instead of the dull white walls, her room was lined in light purples and blues her bed was placed along the wall next to a window. Bens bed was placed next to her nightstand and surrounded by her growing collection of stuffed animals.
Across the hall was Mika who had also revamped her once pale and pasty room, it was now toned with gray walls and black trimming, large bookshelves full with books she's collected over their stay and one large window on the far side of the room. In the middle was her bed where she currently resided.

As Mika sat on her bed searching around on her computer Lizzie waltzed into her room, Ben following on her heels in after her.

"What have I told you about knocking first, asshole"

"I know I know but I had an idea, I think it would be fun if-"


" haven't even heard what it is yet..."

"Your last bright idea almost got us arrested I don't need to hear it"

Lizzie huffed and crossed her arms a part of her bangs blowing out of her face. She glanced down at ben as if he was to give her some sort of answer. He looked right back up at her. His little puppy face in a slight grin as he stood on his hind legs

"I want to go to school"

Without glancing up from her laptop Mika flicks her wrist sending Lizzie flying out of the room, the door slamming shut after her.

Lizzie quickly jumps to her feet running to the door pressing her face to it, pounding her fist lightly on the cracked wood.

"No Mika don't you see! the best way for me to learn about humans is to learn with them! I already found a school in the area, its a good walking distance from here. They start in a few days! Come on it'll be fun!"

Mika rolled her eyes, once again being roped into Lizzie's schemes to get her and everyone around her killed, "No. We aren't going to school. You can't control yourself around anything even related to humans. You'll look so out of place, we'll be outcasted in an instant."

Lizzie sighed turning around an ever so slight grin forming on her lips as she started to walk away,

"Well....toolatebecauseialreadyenrolleduswestartintwodaysok Byyyeeeee" Lizzie picked up ben and ran down the hall far from Mika's room and into her own before Mika even had the time to process what she had said.

"You. did. WHAT?!"

Lizzie looked up at the enormous building. The old red brick felt rough under her fingers. It looked like the building had been there for 100 years at least. The red on the bricks had been warn down into a dusty brown. She brushed out her green plaid skirt, her button up shirt choked her with the tie she had to wear. She wore her jacket around her waist, with knee socks and mary janes that pinched her toes

"Do I have to wear these shoes, Mika? They hurt my feet.." She wined

"You don't get to complain after putting us in this situation, to begin with," Mika huffed behind Lizzie, her hair up in a ponytail her bag slung over her shoulder

"Well, I could have just been here by myself if you want. But who knows what kind of trouble I could get into if I was alone" Lizzie's mischievous grin plastered across her smug little face "now come on, let's go" She pulled Mika along with her into the crowded hallway.

As they walked boys eyes wandered from their friends to the two new girls walking down the hall, then to Mika's ass as she walked past them to her locker. Mika glanced over her shoulder at some of the boys her eyes narrowing to a glare, whipping her wavy black hair around. Disgusting.." she mutters under her breath.

Lizzie walked in front of her holding her books in her hand making her way to her locker. As she opened her locker a few boys came up to Mika trying to talk to her,

"Hey, so you two girls are new right?"

Lizzie had turned to answer them but stopped when a different boy caught her eye. He walked past the group of boys crowding them. He had messy light brown hair and round glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose, but it didn't seem like they did much seeing as his hair covered most of his vision. He wore a blue-grey sweater over his school shirt with black dress pants. Lizzie's mouth fell open as she tugged on Mika's jacket.

"Mika...Mika...Mika look.."

Mika looked down at Lizzie finding the boys she was talking to a waste of time "yes, Elizabeth?"

Lizzie pointed to the boy she had seen "look.."

Mika glanced to him "Lizzie pointing is cruel, stop it. anyways what? I don't understand?"

"I wanna talk to him.."

"Its just a boy Elizabeth if you want to talk to one try thing one and two standing right here their IQ's are much lower," She said this not even caring that the two boys could hear her.

Lizzie shook her head, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink, her eyes turning a dark shade of purple, a color her eyes had never been before

" can't seriously have a crush on that've never even talked to the thing"

But Lizzie didn't care. She wanted to get to know the boy that she saw. She wanted to learn about him and learn from him.

Mika and Lizzie made their way to the first class of the day. Sitting in two desks next to each other, Mika pulled out a book as Lizzie looked around the classroom. As she looked around she noticed someone sitting on the other side of her. Glancing over to see who it was, Lizzie realized it was the boy from earlier.

"Eep" Lizzies mutter turning back to Mika

"Did you just fucking eep...?" Mika had a disgusted look on her face as she took her attention away from her book.

"That's him! Mika that's the guy!"


"I wanna talk to him"

Mika rolled her eyes going back to her book leaving Lizzie to her own devices. Lizzie had never actually talked to a human before. She didn't know how to start. She didn't get the chance to try before he looked at her a spoke.

"Hey, you're new right?" His soft voice made him seem timid when he talked to her as he pushed the messy bangs out of his face. Lizzie could see his eyes now. They were a pretty shade of amber and gold.

"O-oh um...yeah, my names Lizzie and this is my sister, Mika"

"Oh, cool. My names Daniel. It's nice to meet you two" He smiled as the greeting left his lips. Mika snorted out a laugh hearing his words. To her, he sounded like an idiot. All humans did.

"Glad to make your acquaintance " Mika every so slightly mocked as she holds out her hand with an unsettling smirk.  Daniel does a slight double take as to shakes Mika's hand, he could have sworn her eyes were just completely black...but that's impossible..right?


aha its more of a surprise to us probably than you lmao but I hope you guys will enjoy this and we have a few more stories coming out soon so be on the lookout for those as well ~lynn

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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