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The dust, now turned blue, disappeared and revealed Ford and Fiddleford to be in the forest where they had first met. Crows cawed in the distance and Ford brushed off his shoulder, looking around in awe. It had really worked!

Fiddleford gasped softly, his eyes trained on the moon in the sky. The night was cold and dark, lit up by the moon's soft glow. The snow seemed to shine in the light and the stars twinkled brightly. It remained silent as the dead man kept his vision on the moon, almost as though if he looked away, something terrible would happen.

"Ah spent so long in the darkness, Ah'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is," Fiddleford said softly. A moth fluttered past and he giggled slightly, watching it go. Fiddleford sighed happily and stepped forward to spin around in the open space. He giggled as he danced in the moonlight, leaving footprints behind him in the snow. Ford watched him, and he felt... something strange. An odd feeling in his chest as he watched the man, but he couldn't place it.

He did know that he enjoyed the feeling immensely.

Fiddleford danced around Ford, smiling and humming. He trailed his hand along Ford's shoulders, leaving a light fluttering feeling under the touch. Ford turned away as Fiddleford continued to dance, feelings of guilt replacing the previous ones. Was he really about to do this? Fiddleford seemed nice enough. And Ford was about to just abandon him!

Then again, he didn't exactly owe him anything. This was all just a mistake.

As Ford had this eternal debate, he didn't see Fiddleford trip and fall, getting his leg caught in a tree root. Fiddleford fell forward, grunting as he hit the ground. Bella popped out of his ear.

"Psst. You forgot something," she hissed, nodding at the leg. Fiddleford stood up and reattached his leg with a crack. Ford turned to him, hearing the noise. Fiddleford stood for a second before continuing his graceful dancing, acting as if the accident had never happened. 

Ford chuckled, watching the man swing around a tree and dance in the light. Fiddleford hummed and danced around Ford again, who reached out to grab his shoulders and slow him to a stop.

"Hold on, hold on," Ford said, guiding Fiddleford to sit on a long. No matter how handsome and elegant the man looked while dancing, Ford had come here to do something.

Oh Lord, had he just described another man as handsome and elegant? What was going on?!

"I think... I should prepare Ma and Pa for the big news," Ford said slowly. "I'll go ahead, and you... wait here."

"Perfect," Fiddleford nodded.

"I won't be long," Ford lied, beginning to leave. "Stay right here. I'll be right back."

"Ok," Fiddleford smiled.

"No peeking!" Ford called before leaving the clearing. Fiddleford chuckled.


Ford ran up the steps to Northwest Manor, panting slightly from the exercise. He fixed his hair and dusted himself off as he slowed to a stop in front of the door. He was about to knock, but paused upon hearing Preston inside.

"If I ever see that Pines boy again I'll strangle him with my bare hands," Preston growled as Priscilla locked the front door. Ford gasped.

"A rope would be much easier," Priscilla said, walking off. Ford gulped and nervously walked backwards, away from the door. He snuck around the wall of the manor, appearing under Pacifica's bedroom window.


Fiddleford sighed as he sat in the woods, waiting for Ford to return.

"Ok, I spy with your little eye, something that is..." Bella, sitting in Fiddleford's empty eye socket, hummed and looked around, "white!"

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