Mother: The Beginning | Page 4

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  My clone fell to its knees, while doing so, Isabel ran and jumped off of its shoulder. It shot tendrils in her direction, missed, and they got stuck in the ceiling. I observed the way she saw the opportunity to climb the thick tendril. Using all of her strength, she jumped from the tendril to the chandelier. With the knife in hand, she cut the rope holding the chandelier up, and it came crashing down on top of the plant. She grabbed the rope and wrapped it around the overgrown weeds neck.

  When the plant spoke, saying surprise to Isabel, all of us that were hiding, got out of our places to surprise her.

  "Happy Birthday!" We yelled.

  She turned around with wide eyes, and I told her that she was a wonderful opponent. Soon after the party began, she opened her presents, and ate her cake. 

-20 minutes later-

   When the party was over, she thanked everyone for coming, and then she thanked me for throwing her an amazing party. She left and I began wondering what she does in her free time that made her so strong, and how she could kill my strongest creation with so much creativity, in such a little amount of time.

Mother: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now