Mother: The Beginning | Page 10

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 "If you don't want to kill your husband, then I will." I said in anger.

 "What! No you ca-" Isabel was interrupted.

She was interrupted by a burst of wind, caused by one of my tendrils, rising out of the dirt and making a swift slice right through Nick's neck. I turned to face Isabel, then the crowd. They all looked horrified by the sight of Nick's head hitting the ground with a "thud". I then snapped my neck towards the child.

 "That child must die." I spoke with evil intent.

 As a tendril rose from the ground, Isabel ripped the bottom of her dress off and ran towards her son. The tendril shot towards the child, but instead the tendril pierced through Debra's chest. I always knew Debra wasn't as cold hearted as she said she was. She is such a foolish woman, always trying to be a hero, but look where that got her. I knew she would betray me someday. She sacrificed her life for a child, something I would never do.

Mother: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now