Chapter 6

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It was now Wednesday. The homecoming dance is only 2 days away, and Kent had made up in his mind to ask the new girl to the dance. The only time he saw her at school was during art class, so he would have to ask her then. Kent was fine when he and Cal had just woke up, but as the morning went on, he became more and more nervous.

The bell for the end of 1st block had just rung, and Kent was on his way to his locker to grab his sketchbook. As he closed his locker, he saw the girl as she had just walked by heading to class. Kent started walking behind her, making sure not to walk fast enough for him to catch up to her. His heart about to jump out his chest as they closer to the art room.

Once again, the bell waits for Kent to walk inside the class to finally ring. Kent stops by Ms. Simmons desk before going to his own.

"Hey Ms. Simmons, can I talk to you after you start class? I have to ask you about something."

Ms. Simmons set down the stack of papers she had in her hand and looked up at Kent.

"Something or someone?"

Kent chuckled, "Someone."

"Of course you can. I'll call you back up here in a sec," she said grinning.

Kent started walking to his desk when he realized he had to walk past her to get to his desk. He tried walking by with his head down but as soon as he approached her desk, he looked up and saw her looking down at her sketchbook. She appeared to be drawing something. Kent couldn't get a good look of the page as he walked by. He sat down , set his things to the side, and waited for Ms. Simmons to signal him back to her desk.

Ms. Simmons stood in the front of the class, and reminded everyone that their homecoming art piece was due by Friday. Once she answered all the questions from the other students, she walked back to her desk and waved at Kent and motioned him towards her. Kent quickly got up and walked to her desk. He grabbed a stool and sat it right beside Ms. Simmons.

"So you like her?" Ms. Simmons asked before Kent could say anything.

Kent smiled.

"Why you keep asking me that?"

"Because I know you like her, but I'm just waiting for you to realize it yourself."

"I don't even know her well enough to like her."

"Well let me help you out then," Ms. Simmons said with this evil grin on her face.

She stood up and waved at the girl until she got her attention.

"It's Wednesday and the project is due Friday, and I want to make sure you don't fall behind your first week here, so I'm pairing you up with Kent. He has already completed his project, so he'll be able to help you."

Kent's heart dropped to his stomach. He couldn't do anything but sit there with this dumb, wide-eyes look on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, he heard a soft and majestic voice coming from behind him.

"I'm okay with that," the girl said with a small smile on her face.

The whole class had gotten quiet. The response from the girl had surprised everyone. Especially Kent.

"Well it's settled," Ms. Simmons said as she sat back down.

The butterflies in Kent's stomach had finally went away.

"Did you really just do that?" Kent asked, still in disbelief.

"Yes, yes i did," She said happily. "Now go talk to her."

With no hesitation, Kent stood up and walked over to the girl.

That one comment made by the girl appeared to have gave Kent his confidence back.

"Hey, I'm here to help you," Kent said as he took a seat next to her.

"Thanks," she replied moving her things so that Kent had space on the desk.

"So umm..have you decided on what you want to do?"

"Kinda. I think I'll just keep it simple and just make a small poster since we're low on time."

"That's cool. I see you already have the poster board."

"Yeah, it's right here."

The two reach for the poster board at the same time and their hands touch. Both waited for the other to move the hand but neither of them flinched. They just sat there..smiling.
She would eventually move her hand to start sketching out her drawing.

"So where are you from?" Kent asked.

"I transferred from Region County. Y'all were playing them at the game that we had first saw each other."

"Why did you come here?"

"My mom just decided it was time for a change I guess. She chose here, because this is where she's from."

Ms. Simmons was listening in on the conversation from her desk.

"How do like our school so far?" Kent continued.

"It's nice. The other students are very nice, and I see that you guys take homecoming very seriously."

"Yeah, we do," Kent said chuckling. " All you'll hear about nowadays is the homecoming dance."

"That's Friday right?" she asked.

Kent's heart dropped at her question.

"Yes...actually..," Kent started as the butterflies in stomach slowly came back. "...I was thinking...if you would maybe want to go to the dance Friday?"

She hesitated and that caused Kent to immediately regret his decision in asking her.

"I don't think I really want to go to the dan-"

"I'm sorry," Kent interrupted. "I should not have asked you that. We barely know each other and I shou-"

"Kent," She said as she grabbed his arms to get him to calm down.

"I didn't want to go to the dance, because it's kind of last minute. I would have to rush and try to find something to wear and then there's my hair and it's just too much."

Kent just looked down at the desk.

"I understand," he said.

Just when the feeling of disappointment started sinking into Kent's body, she reached over and laid her hand on his.

"But if you're not too busy, maybe we can go grab something to eat instead."

Kent's body was instantly flooded with this tingling feeling. He lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Yeah," he says with the biggest smile on his face. "That sounds nice."

She ripped out a piece of paper and wrote her number down.

"Here. Just text me Friday afternoon."

"I surely will."

It was time to change classes as the bell had rung. The two pack their things and start walking out the door. As they were leaving, Kent turned his head to look at Ms. Simmons. She was already looking in his direction. She smiled and saluted him as to say "good job."
Kent walked out and s few moments later, he came back around the corner and saluted her back.

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (Pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now