Chapter 9

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The next morning, Kent was awakened by a loud lawn mower from next door. For a split second, he was okay. That's until his mind was flooded with the memories of last night. He didn't bother getting out of bed. He wanted to check his phone hoping to see a text from the girl explaining why she didn't respond, but he didn't want to take the highly chance of seeing a blank lock screen. He rolled on his back and closed his eyes hoping to doze back off. His attempt was interrupted by Miyah who slowly opened the door and peeked in.

"You awake Kent?"

Kent slowly turned his head towards her. Miyah slowly made her way to Kent's bed, and that's when she noticed the dried trail of tears along his face and his bloodshot red eyes.

"K-K-Kent..," she said as she tried to hold back her own tears.

Miyah never liked when anyone in the house was upset. Especially Kent.

Kent wiped his face, and he motioned her towards him, picked her up, and laid her beside him. She slid under the blankets and hugged his side.

"I'm okay kid," Kent said as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

Kent laid there trying to convince himself that he was actually okay. Miyah had eventually went back to sleep hugging Kent's side. Every time he would start to feel better, he'd be shot down by his thoughts of last night.

It took him a good while, but he managed to let himself doze off.

He woke up about 3 hours later. He still had the sleeping Miyah attached to his side. He wiggled out of bed, picked up Miyah, and carried her to her room where he laid her in bed. He stopped by his room, slipped on some gym shorts, grabbed his phone, and made his way down stairs.

He walked into the kitchen and he spots a note on the refrigerator that his mom left for him:

Me and your dad are gone on a date. Won't be home until later on tonight. there's $30 for food on the counter. i hope you're feeling better. love you guys

, Mom and Dad ♥️

Kent walked in living room and sat on the couch. He reached for the remote when his phone went off. It was just a notification from his Instagram account, but when he checked it, he saw all of the unread messages from last night. He sent Cal a quick text telling him that he had just woke up. He really didn't want Cal to respond, because he knew he would eventually have to tell him about last night. Before Kent could lock his phone and set it down, he received another text from Cal.

Apparently, a random number had texted Cal late last night asking for Kent. Cal had just sent the number to Kent.

Kent replied to Cal's text, and then he sent a text to the number that Cal had just sent to him.

Kent had almost instantly gotten a response.

"Is this Kent?" the text had read.

"Yeah. Who's this?" Kent replied.

"It's me...This is the girl from art class.."

Kent dropped the phone, and his heart started pounding violently in his chest. His body was drowned in a wave of mixed emotions. He just sat there and stared at the phone.

A few seconds later, he receives a call....from her.

Kent's trembling hand reaches for the phone. He clears his throat, and after what seems like an eternity , he answers the phone.

"Hello..," Kent says with this congested voice.


"Yeah, it's me.."

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