Chapter 4

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 Esmeralda's POV.

"That's all for today, class dismissed," Mr Fordem announced right as the bell went and as everyone started to pack up he went over all reminders, "the paper on Hitler is due next Monday, Dallas and Vera, I'll see you in detention at 6, other than that, have a good term everyone."

Filing out of the classroom I couldn't help being relieved that my first day was finally over.

"What a bore, I'm surprised I managed to stay awake during that lecture," Daphne said, joining me as we headed back to our dorm room to change out of our uniforms. 

"I know right, but did you see Dallas and Vera like full on making out at the back of the class?" I giggled saying hi to a few girls in the hallways.

"That was hilarious, I'm surprised Mr F. didn't tell them off for it sooner," Daphne smirked as ascended the stairs to our dorms.

"I think he purposefully didn't mention it. Did you see how red Vera went when he said he'd see them in detention?" I replied as we reached the top of the stairs.

"Ummm, hot boy alert," Daphne suddenly said.

"What?" I frowned.

"Leaning against our dorm door, who the hell is he?" 

aphne asked, biting her lip. I could pretty much see her undressing him with his eyes already.

Following her line of sight I stopped dead and gawked at the boy leaning against our door. He was looking at something on his phone [that he wasn't meant to have] and hadn't noticed us heading his way or any of the girls that were pretty much drooling at him from their dorm room doors. He was wearing the boys school uniform which was long black pants, long sleeved white blouse that was rolled up to just above the elbow, black lace up shoes, black and white stripped tie and had his black blazer hanging causally over his one arm. Boys did have the option of wearing a grey jumper under the blazer but he seemed to have ditched that idea and chosen to keep him lip piercing that stood out against his pale skin and blonde hair.

"Daphne, go and have a talk with Jane will you," I asked her sweetly, my eyes never leaving him.

"Excuse me?" she asked, her eyes finally leaving him to look at me with a bewildered expression.

"You heard me," was all I said before I straightened up and walked over to my dorm room door casually.

"Excuse me," I said, not looking at him as I reached my dorm room.

"Hello to you too princess," he grinned at me, his eyes level with mine because of my heels.

"Move, we'll talk inside," I hissed at him, keeping a calm expression in place for anyone watching.

He kept his grin in place as he picked up his discarded books off the floor and stepped to the side so that I could unlock the dorm door. Walking in, I dropped my books onto my bed and turned to face him as he closed the door, pushing the button in so you had to have a key to get in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here Luke?" I asked angrily, fists clenching at my side.

"I thought you'd be a bit happier to see me," he replied as the door opened and Lara walked in, stopping short at the situation in front of her.

"Lara, could you give us a sec?" I asked her tightly.

"Hi, nice to meet you Lara, I'm Luke Hemmings, just started here this year," Luke smiled at her, holding out his hand.

"So did I," her face lit up as she shook his hand.

"Lara, a sec?" I asked, hating that he was getting along with her.

"Oh right, sure," she blushed, letting his hand go and stepping out of the room again, closing the door behind her.

"Why the hell would I be happy to see you? You're meant to be in jail for the next four years at least!" I burst out.

"I got out early," he explained with a laugh, "and then they said I had to be sent to a secluded boarding school to get back into social interactions but be away from the city scene so my parents sent me here. Then walking along the hallway by the trophy cabinet, what do I see but you're face, beaming out from a photo where you've won the school a prize in a speech competition. And that speech competition just happens to be for persuasive speeches."

"You need to leave," was my only reply. 

"To late, I'm signed up for the year," he shrugged.

"But you can't just . . . you and I are not meant to meet again. By the time you got out I was meant to be in another country!" I said, desperately trying to figure out why this was happening again.

"I'm not gonna tell anyone if that's what you're worried about," he said after a long pause.

"What?" I searched his face, looking for some sort of give away that he was messing with me.

"That's in the past, I wanna move on . . . as friends," he answered, stepping forward so there were a few steps between us.

A long time ago, that would have been to much space between us, now it wasn't enough and I felt as if he was closing in on me.

"I can't . . . I can't be friends with," I shook my head vigorously.

"Why not?" he asked, frowning.

"You know to much for me to be friends with you," I replied, my voice shaking slightly, "plus, how the hell do you trust me enough?"

"I don't," he replied bluntly.

"Can't be friends without trust," I rebutted.

"We can be civil," he replied with a grin.

"I need to be in my room! You can't keep me out forever Esmeralda!" Daphne cried, throwing open the dorm door and trooping in with Abigail and Lara following.

"It was nice catching up with you again, we'll see each other around, I'm sure," Luke said, nodding at the others before turning and leaving the dorm like he owned the place.

"How do you know him?" Abigail asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Long story," I replied, watching the doorway that he'd disappeared from.

"He's kinda cute," Lara stated and we all snapped our heads to look around at her.

"He's not cute . . ." Abigail began.

". . . he's a fucking god," Daphne finished.

While they discussed what they saw on the outside, I thought about what I knew was on the inside . . . and those thoughts weren't good.

"I'll be right back, just gonna give mum a call," I told the others, grabbing my phone out of the top draw of my bedside table and locking myself in the bathroom. Dialling her number by heart, I paced the small bathroom, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" mum asked, her voice sounding slightly annoyed which meant she was in the middle of day work at the moment.

"Mum, we have a problem," I told her.

"What is it?" she asked, sounding slightly more alert.

"Luke's out of jail and going to my school now," I replied, trying to keep the edge of annoyance out of my voice.  

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