Masters memory takes its Toll

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Natsu was sitting on the little white swing outside. Gajeel was leaning on the side of the beams.  Happy was sitting by Natsu and Gray next to Happy.
"Daaaaawwww! Look at those boys!" Mira squealed scrubbing a cup, looking outside the window to where the boys were swinging.
"They're so cute! The big boys little gang!" Mira giggled and caused some of the soap buds to fly around the room. Laxus rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips.
"So why are you here, Laxus? Shouldn't you be of somewhere sulking?" Cana muttered staring into her cup. Laxus tsked and Cana smirking at him.
"You like her" Cana mouthed to him nodding her head in Mira's direction.
"Shut up!" Laxus shouted marching out of the room, nudging Erza aside who was just entering the room.
"What's up with him?" Erza asked, directed more to Mira than Cana. Cana shrugged her shoulders and Mira dreamily went back to staring outside.
"Ok then, does anyone know what Gramps was going to say at least?" Erza questioned, casually sitting on the wooden bench at the table.
Kinana produced a plate almost magically with a slice of red velvet cake on it. Erza smiled gratefully at her and picked up the dessert spoon. Kinana watched her carefully from behind the counter drying her hands on a hand towel.
"Nope! Makarov can't figure out what he wanted to say for the life of him!" Mira replied smiling at Kinana proudly.
"Presentation gets 100%, Mira, and the icing gets a 98.9% but the over all taste gets a 105.249%" Erza said respectfully. Mira's eyes glinted and she shook her head no.
"Erza, that was Kinanas cake! Her first one that she made by herself! She's been dying for you to try it! I told you it was good!" Mira hollered proudly like a mother showing of their clever child. Erza looked surprised and grinned widely at Kinana.
"A true master in the making! I can only see the many great cakes that will come from you!" Erza said her eyes having stars shining in them, stuck in her fantasy. Kinana blushed and breathed out a breathe she hadn't realized she was holding in.
"Thanks you guys!" Kinana said glowing at the compliments. Kinana was Mira's helping hand. From a young age she had been helping in the kitchen. Her earliest memories had been spent cooking with her mother and her father singing 'Dark Black' in his deep beautiful voice and her mothers sweet soft contrast together as she hummed along.
Kinana had looked up too Mira them moment she saw how beautiful, perfect and strong she was.
Although she had always been a bit vague. As though she wasn't really there.
"But I have to thank Mira. She taught me everything I know after all!" Kinana said modestly.
"Nonsense! It was epic, not because of me but because of you!" Mira said poking her playfully with a soapy spoon.
"UGHHH! Please stop! This is too emotional and stuffz over a stupid cak- I mean a wonderful, amazing creation, the one thing that God himself thought- Boy was I smart when I created that!" Cana said chuckling nervously under Erzas glare.
"I do wonder what Master wanted to tell us though..."Erza wondered allowing her eyes to scale the view outside from the window.
"SHUT UP!" Natsu roared angrily, a vein bursting from anger.
"Dude, you should go to anger management classes" Gray said acting generally caring of him in a sarcastic tone.
"Y'know! We're just so bored it's not our fault if we try and find entertainment..." Gajeel whined, pouting and picking at the white paint.
"Aye sir! I'm sooooooo bored!" Happy complained.
"Then go away!" Natsu cried angrily, tugging his hoodie down over his face to cover himself- he didn't want anyone to know he hanged out with these losers.
"Nah! You'll just get more emoish if we do that." Gray said lazily leaning back his head to feel the sunlight on his neck. Natsu sighed in defeat and it went back to comfortable silence.
"I can't believe you still can't find your clothes Gray!" Happy snorted glancing in Natsu's direction quickly. A small smile tugged at Natsu's lips.
"Yeah... About that!" Gray began eyeing the people on the swing suspiciously. He had had to change clothes however he still wanted to find his expensive shirt.
"About nothing stripper! None of us did anything!" Gajeel said looking at Happys guilty face and Natsu's straight one. Gajeel sighed, it was obviously those two clowns.
"Hey look over there!" Happy cried, pointing at a slick, refined and spotless limousine. It was black and seemed to shine in the sun. A mysterious, superior and suspisicious aura hung around the car.
"Woah, the owner of that car must be loaded!" Gajeel muttered.
"Hey!" Gray began getting up from his seat and waving a hand. His friends pulled him back, except from Natsu (of course), into the swing.
"Shut up, stupid!" Gajeel shouted furiously.
"Stupid?!?! Why you! Your gonna die tonight!" Gray growled as the two of them clashed fists.
"Someone's coming out!" Happy yelled over the awful noise.
Indeed someone did. It was a girl, a young lady, with curvy hips, a medium amount of blonde hair and wearing skimpy clothes. Gray gaped. Gajeel couldn't help admire her beauty. Happy was wowed. Natsu? Well he wasn't even looking. She pulled out a small, cute suit case and wheeled it out. The girl looked around and upon spotting them walked forwards with a nervous smile. She stuck out a hand.
"Hi, can you help me? I'm looking for a fostercare called Fairytail." She smiled nervously and tugged at her blue skirt. All the boys were still too moved to say anything so they swayed motionless.
Natsu sighed, "Tsk! It's over there." He said pointing at their home. Gajeel and Happy snapped out of it immediately.
"Can I carry your suitcase?" Happy asked politely.
"NO! I will!" Gray almost screamed. Happy looked at him, stunned but backed away. Natsu rolled his eyes.
"Oh no! It's fine!" The young lady said looking at Natsu interestedly.
"So anyway what's a young lady like you doing tryna find Fairytail?" Gajeel asked.
"Geez you BAKA probably some kinda misfortune!" Happy muttered.
"I know that I just... Master would have told us if we had a new comer!" Gajeel stuttered embarrassed the cat was leaving him tongue tied.
"Wait you all live in fairytail!" The blonde girl cried, "my names Lucy Heartfilia and yes I am moving to fairytail! For one week I'll be spending the week days here and the next will be the weekends! It'll swap over like that for most of my life!" Lucy babbled excitedly.
"Who will you spend the time your not in fairytail with?" Happy asked.
"My father... But mainly the household staff..." Lucy almost whispered. Natsu just tsked, he didn't believe in sympathizing with others and neither did he take well to pity given to him as well.
"But I bet you guys suffered more, my story is not very sad, it's more like fairytails babysitting me... Which does not sound better... Excuse my weirdness!" Lucy chittered nervously.
"Master must have forgot to tell us about the new kid." Gajeel muttered thoughtfully.
"Took you long enough to come to the conclusion metal brain" Natsu said sighing. Gajeel was about to fight back when...
"GAAAAAHHHH!!! Where's your clothes!??" Lucy hollered loudly.
"Oh god not again!" Gray yelled blushing furiously.
"KYAAAAA Stay away perv!!!" Lucy screamed, closing her eye and kicking Gray away as far as possible. The boys watched in amusement quietly. Happy opened his mouth,
"Uh oh There he goes"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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