Ch| 3

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Girl you did everything right but it didn't work
I'm trying to give you the best cause you've already been through the worse


The shiny, black, extended 2017 Escalade, with once clean windows, was currently filled with my six elite dancers as we smoothly cruised through the busy streets of Times Square, New York.

"Oh Ms. H! Look! The silver men are dancing on the sidewalk!" Nori exclaimed as she repeatedly tapped her finger against the glass window of my new truck.

"Nori, if you don't get yo greasy ass fingers off my damn window...." I said through tight lips as I looked at her through my mirror.

"They not even that greasy, why you so uptight anyways?" She asked as she returned my look through the mirror.

"Yea Ms.H, usually you mad cool, but ever since we got on the road, you've been real like ...annoyed? Now we're here and you seem so unhappy, is everything okay?" One of my other students Kiara asked.

Seeing the hotel up ahead, I sighed as I continued on the street . "I'm sorry girls, I'm not mad at you guys or anything. I'm extremely proud of you ladies, I truly am. Let's just say, this city has taken everything from me, and it's hard for me to be back here after three years," I spoke softly as I looked at Miracle's sleeping form in between two of the girls.

"But Ms.H, didn't this city give you Miracle? I don't know much about what loss you've faced, but I know it's got to be some good feeling about being back in the city that blessed you with a Miracle."

"You know what Rayne, you're completely right. This city has blessed me," I said as I felt myself getting emotional processing her words.

When it came to my girls, they pretty much varied a little in age. Nori, was the captain of the elites and was 17 years old. Then there was Kiara, Mari and June, who were all 16 years old. Lastly we had Rayne and Ryver, they were the youngest at 15 years old. Despite being the babies of the group, the twins were the most skilled dancers and I found them to be extremely wise beyond their years. They didn't speak much, but when they did, they had a way of putting you at ease with their words.

"Alright ladies, grab your duffels and make your way to the lobby, I'll meet you guys at the front desk, let me just get Miracle up." I spoke as they nodded in confirmation, grabbing their belongings and exiting the truck one by one.

Pulling my duffel over my shoulder and grabbing Miracles small bag, I gently begin shaking her awake. "Cmon Mir, we're here baby."

"Please don't go, I promise to be good..." she murmured before closing her eyes once more.

Sighing, I adjusted our bags to one side before lifting her out of her seat and placing her on my other side, allowing her to lock her arms around my neck and get comfortable. In the back of my mind I made a mental note to ask her if her nightmares had returned.

Making my way into the lobby of the hotel, I joined my girls at the front desk where I checked everyone in and handed out room key cards.

"Enjoy your stay ma'am"

Nodding my head at the receptionist, I thanked her before putting Miracle down. "Hey, sleepyhead", I cooed as she begin rubbing her eyes and looking around, taking in her environment.

"Hi mommy, I missed you!" She said as she reached her arms out giving me a small hug.

"Oh you missed me princess! But I missed you!"

Giggling loudly, her light brown eyes gleamed as she playfully pushed me. "Missed me?! But I dont go nowhere silly! I took a "Z"," she said, referring to her nap in the car.

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