Ch| 7 | Part 3

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I wasn't scared; I was terrified.

"Baby, are you listening?" Snapped me from my thoughts, causing me to snuggle into his warm chest.

"Sorry, I keep getting caught up in my mental," I breathed out. "I just don't know what to expect, above anything else he was my bestfriend. Now he doesn't even remember me."

Ren handled this situation, like he always handled me; with love and patience. For the past month we had spent everyday together, and although we had yet to indulge in each others most intimate needs, we were creating a bond that I hadn't realized I so desperately needed. In short, I have no intention of letting him go.

"Not that I want you running into another niggas arms on me," he started as he nudged me and chuckled lightly, "but Lana you're amazing. I mean, whether he lost his memory or not, if the bond yall shared was as genuine and authentic as you believe it was.....then there's no way that he can see you and not feel anything. And...and even in the rare case that that does happen, nothing has changed, so you guys should be able to rebuild that friendship, if you choose to."

Biting back on my lip to keep from smiling, I shifted in my seat, which just so happened to be his lap. "Where have you been these last three and a half years?" I whispered as I stared into his eyes.

"I've been learning life lessons, growing... so that I could be completely ready when God placed my wife into my life." He spoke slowly, never once breaking our eye contact.

Grabbing his face in both hands, I slowly joined my lips to his, relishing in the electrifying feeling all over again.

"Mr. Jacobs, Ms. Harris, we will be landing in New York shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts," the pilot stated over the intercom.


"EVY!" Rylin yelled as she ran to meet me in the entrance of her and Jaceion's multi-million dollar home.

"RY RY!" I returned in excitement as I met her halfway, jumping on her and locking my legs around her waist.

"I missed you choc," she laughed as I lowered myself off of her.

"Damn, I'm related to her and she's never that excited to see me," Ren spoke as he and Jace carried our bags through the house.

"Bro, just let it go. I gave up on trying to figure out how they clicked so well. They act like sisters and shit," Jaceion spoke while shaking his head.

Rylin and I looked at each other, before we burst out in laughter. "You mad as shit dickheaaaad!" She said causing me to really gasp for air from my laughter.

Truth was, when I met Ry, we were both pretty reserved, but being around her, it was like we brought the ratchet out of each other. I never had a sister, but talking to her everyday makes me feel like this is how a sister should be.

"Wait a minute, I just know you can't be a Bronx baby talking like that," I said as I finally calmed down and we made our way into the kitchen.

"Innnnnnnn West Philadelphia born and raised," she half sang as she crossed her middle finger and her ring finger, and extended her pink and pointer finger on each side, creating a "W" with her hand.

"Whaaaat bitch, Bronx meets West Philly. This is a fucking power trip," I said as I felt myself thinking like the old Lana again.

"Girl who you telling?" Ry said, as she started pulling trays of food out of the oven and placing them onto the counter. "The only reason I do this modeling shit is because I love money and I love shot calling. It just makes me feel so...."

"Powerful," I finished for her as we locked eyes.



"Tee you told me you kept him because he had so many stories about Lana and this nigga didn't even know who she was!" I yelled into the phone as me, Ren and Terrick stood around it, waiting for her reply on speaker.

"Whatever, okay. You know how I feel about Lana, she's way too special to be stuck with you, him or any other nigga. You act like I took his fucking memory. To be honest I was just going to patch him up and send him along, but then I found out about the memory loss and I got to thinking. I remember seeing this documentary about how you can control memory regain by omitting certain things and redirecting who played key roles in their life. There is no Lana to Terrick. There's just everyone else. All
of the same memories, but I am Lana to him." She said, explaining her tactics.

"Man, I'm off this shit, I'm just happy my bro is good. We having a little kickback/pool party in a couple hours and your lil science project gone be here. You sliding or what?" I asked, knowing she'd say yes.

"Yea, I'll be around. Does wifey know that I had Terrick?" She asked.

"Nah, she just knows he's alive. No one knows you had him," I lied through my teeth.

"Bet, I'll see you in a couple of hours," she said, preparing to hang up.

"Oh and Tee....wear blue," I chuckled.

Smacking her lips, she started feeling herself, "I thought green was your favorite color".

"Yea but Lana's is blue," I said before hanging up.

"Man, I just want to meet this Lana broad everyone's so obsessed with," Terrick said as he lit a blunt, earning a raised brow from Ren.

Before Ren could interject, a more feminine voice caught us all off guard.

"Call me another broad and not even Tee will save you," Lana spoke as she plucked the blunt from his fingers and began to inhale.

"Lana?" He asked in shock, as we all stared at her, mirroring his look of surprise.

How much had she heard?

"In the flesh," she chuckled and exhaled before moving closer to him.

"Welcome to the land of the living Ricky"

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