Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

(Y/n) P.O.V

It's been around a week since I reunited with Ruby, I forgot how kind and childish she is. But I like that about her, she not a threat to me and would never hurt a friend. We would message each other constantly from the early morning to late at night, it's nice to have another friend to talk to other than Velvet. I told Velvet about Ruby and she wanted to meet her and I thought that was a great idea, but lately whenever i'm with Velvet a certain person in her team keeps coming over to us and start flirting with me. Velvet said I should give it a shot, but I can't see myself as "boyfriend". I don't get love, mainly because my instincts towards humans and Faunus make it impossible to feel anything besides hate and fear.  It's been like this for a week and it's becoming a nuisance, I can't do my work or write my stories in peace with her breathing down my neck.

I started writing stories when I was fifteen because Ozpin said it would help me express my feelings and sort out my emotions. I thought it was a stupid idea and that the best way to express my emotions was through fighting and killing, but I can't at the moment. Since i'm a demon I have no soul, no soul equals no aura, so unlike everyone else I don't have a shield protecting me. So I gave it a try, the first story I wrote about was my experiences I had during my time as an assassin, after I finished it I showed it to the teachers at the teacher's lounge. I regretted that decision ever since.

(Two Years Ago)

I sat on the couch in the teacher's lounge with Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck in front of me looking over my story, they kept whispering things to one another. I don't like where this is going at all. Suddenly I heard a loud laugh coming from Professor Port.

Dr. Oobleck: "Splendid story (Y/n), splendid story indeed, you just need to fix a few spelling errors. But we have a few suggestions." he told me talking very fast.

Professor Port: "YES INDEED! Hahaha now we want to you to hear us out alright. Now this book is already mature as it is with the amount of detail you went into when someone dies. But how about instead of having the assassin as the main character, you add a new character and have the story seen through their eyes" he told me.

Professor Port: "But we are going to have you do something so you can better understand it. We want you to add have romantic relationship between the new character and the assassin." he said to me.

Me: "Alright...what does romantic mean, remember I don't understand something I never experienced." I answered him.

Dr. Oobleck: "Love (Y/n) Love, love is the a strong emotional feeling towards something or someone and we know that you never experienced it. So we want you to go around researching it, observe people who are in love and are in romantic relationships." he told me.

I had a annoyed look on my face and was about to leave, and not listen to a stupid request.

Dr. Oobleck: "Did I also forget that people enjoys a good love story, they're quite popular with everyone. Maybe if you do this you can better understand people." he informed me, stopping me in my tracks.

I thought about it, if I could understand human and Faunus better than I could use this against them. But  I wasn't sure if I could learn such a thing. I sighed and looked at them in defeat.

Me: "Fine" I said to them in defeat.

Professor Port: "That's the spirit now! You can do whatever you can to understand learn about love, but no violence. Ah this reminds me of when I was a young strapping boy, there was this one young lady tha-" he tried to tell me a story, but I ran out of there the moment he said " this reminds me".

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