Chapter 31: The Original Returns

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

[.....] = Texting/Writing

Third Person P.O.V

Inside the bandit camp, Yang and Weiss found themselves inside the tent of Raven as she began revealing things to them. Raven just looked back to Weiss and Yang as she opened her mouth.

Raven: "What do you really know about (Y/n) Signal. Or to you two, (Y/n)." she asked.

Yang: "(Y/n) who? Is that a relative of (Y/n) or something." she asked in confusion.

Weiss: "I think so. (Y/n) was looking into several people with the same name. There a several (Y/n) Signal in history. The first from what I found out settled Patch." she told Yang.

Yang: "Huh... now that I think about it... I think there are some statues that have that name at the park in my town." she said rubbing her chin.

Raven: "They're not his relatives." she revealed.

Yang: "What?" she asked a bit more confused.

Raven: "(Y/n) wasn't much for telling anyone more than they should know. He kept quiet about his past only saying that he was from Patch and that he was a relative of the previous (Y/n) Signal. But that's a lie. All of them are (Y/n)." she revealed.

Weiss and Yang just looked at each other before looking at Raven in disbelief.

Yang: "That's not possible. No one can reincarnate." she pointed out.

Raven: "That's what you think. (Y/n) is something... different. Maybe that was why I couldn't take my eyes away from him. But I always noticed that Professor Ozpin would talk to (Y/n) away from everyone and in secret. Back then, I thought it was because he saw something great in him like the rest of us." she said before shaking her head.

Raven: "Tell me, what do you know about Professor Ozpin? About his past?" she asked.

Weiss: "He was... a prodigy. One of the youngest headmasters to be appointed to a school." she said to her.

Raven: "Because that's how he planned it. Because the man you know as Ozpin designed those schools and has followers inside every academy on Remnant that are loyal to him and no one else." she announced.

Yang: "That doesn't make any sense! How could he have- no, why would someone even do that?" she asked.

Raven: "Because old mand Oz has two great and terrible secrets. Secrets that could spread fear across the world... secrets that he eventually entrusted to our team and once I knew, there was no going back. We were shocked at first and we couldn't believe what he was saying... So I needed to know more but with every new discovery I made...  the more horrifying the world became." she told them.

Yang just rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms looking at her mother in annoyance.

Yang: "Okay, then tell us. What's the big secret? What's so crazy that the rest of us don't know?" she asked.

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