Chapter 34: Closure

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

(N/n) = Nickname

[.....] = Texting/Writing

Third Person P.O.V

The next day arrived with everything going according to Jaune's plan, Weiss managed to get onto the Bullhead with Maria as the rest of them were currently waiting by the cliffside. All they needed to do now was get the radar down and have Maria fly down to pick them up. It seemed simple enough.

As they waited, (Y/n) just sat on the edge of the cliff and staring off into the distance.

Ruby: "Hey." she called over to him.

(Y/n): "Hello, Little Rose." he replied.

Ruby: "I'm not that little." she looked away pouting.

(Y/n): "You're littler than me." he chuckled.

Ruby: "Whatever!" she laughed before sitting down beside him.

Ruby: "So... what do you think of the plan?" she asked.

(Y/n): "It's a good plan... though I find it boresome. There isn't much that I can do in my current state. All I need is a body." he complained as he stared off in the distance.

Nora: "Ooooo! Why don't we find you a dead body?! There should be plenty in a cemetery! We can have our very own zombie!" she said in excitement.

Ren: "Wouldn't that be a bad thing?" he asked.

Nora: "Yeah, for our enemies!" she grinned.

(Y/n) sat there silently before slowly nodding his head.

(Y/n): "That... might actually work." he stated.

Everyone looked over to him in confusion and horror by what he said.

Ruby: "What... do you mean?" she asked in confusion.

(Y/n): "To fuse with a dead body... yes... yes that may actually work. Though I would need to find a proper vessel, no, an ordinary body will not due. I would need a physically fit body, I don't have time to train an undeveloped body, we already have to train Oscar. I would preferably wan-" he said as he began to think.

Ruby: "Wait a minute! I thought you said you didn't want to force people into being a part of you." she pointed out.

(Y/n): "What do you mean? It's a dead body. The soul would have left the body the moment they died. Meaning it's free real estate. However, it will hurt like hell the moment I fuse with them temporarily since they're already dead and that I won't know the condition their body is in." he pointed out.

Ruby: "Wait, what do you mean temporarily?" she asked.

(Y/n): "Well, as I said before, I cannot fuse with another living person until I rejoin with the other piece of my core. Even if it's a dead body, I still need my other piece to permanently take the body as my own, but that doesn't matter so long as I can help. If this does work out, I will be able to assist you all more efficiently without the restraint of being forced to be near Maka all of the time." he pointed out.

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