**Chapter 12**

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**Chapter 12**

Hale's POV

Kai had already left to go help Edoni and Albion with something outside. I was still standing over the food, preparing what I could although I wasn't the best at cooking. But that wasn't what was bothering me. I wanted to tell Kai everything and I wanted to tell him soon. Earlier I had slipped up and he found out that Bythos's name really isn't Bastian.

I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding and turned away from the food. I sat down at the table closest to me and held my head in my hands. How was I going to fix this one? How do I tell the man I love that the man he thought he loved was hiding everything from him. He barely knew me as it was but now he was going to find out that he knew me even less than that.

I stood back up and began checking on the food once again when I heard the front door open. It must have been Aphros and Bythos with their new little boyfriend. I was all set to greet them when I heard Aphros's big mouth screaming at me all the way from the front door.

"HALE! Me and Bastian are here!"




Aphros walked into the kitchen with an annoyed look on his face as if I had done something wrong, when in all reality it was him that was screaming in my house like he was crazy. He put his hand to head as if I was causing him a headache.

"Must you scream in front of my guest?"

"Must you scream in my house?"

"Whatever...anyways I want you to come out here and meet our boyfriend. He's the one Hale...." That annoyed look soon left his face when he was talking about him. He seemed to have drifted off to another place where there was nothing but happiness. Sickeningly sweet...I know.

"Yeah I'll come see him once I'm done in here."

He looked back at me in confusion and then looked around as if he had just realized that we were standing in the kitchen.

"Why are you in here anyways? Shouldn't you be outside with Kai?"

"Well your idiot brother thought it was a good idea to put me on kitchen duty so here I am...preparing the food that we will all eat."

His face changed from amusement to horror as he realized that he was indeed going to have to endure my cooking yet again. The first time he had ever eaten my food he was sick for almost a month and then he refused to eat anything for a week after he got better, He had gotten paranoid and worried that somehow I was allowed to cook and that they were going to feed him my food.

What he didn't know was that from that day on I began to pay more attention to how things were cooked. Now I'm not saying that I'm some sort of Master Chef, but I can figure a couple of things out of need be.

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