**Chapter 17**

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Chapter 17

Kai's POV

I was nervous as hell to be introduced as Hale's boyfriend to everyone under the sea. Not only them but apparently there were a few gods that were visiting Poseidon that would hear about it too, which means that our business will be promptly spread throughout the mythical realm now. Great...just great.

"You okay?" Looking up into Hale's worried eyes I knew I must have look scared to death.

"Yeah...I'm fi-fine..." I managed to spit out. Narrowing his eyes at me he didn't look convinced but he let it go anyways. Turning around to face the huge door we were about to step out of I was, to be honest, scared out of my mind. What if the people weren't as accepting of me as Poseidon was? What if they demand a new King? I couldn't do that to Hale...

With each step that we took closer to the door my grip on Hale's hand tightened. Luckily for him he was a god because with the way I was squeezing his hand if he was a mortal I probably would have broken something by now.

"Don't worry babe...They'll love you as much as I do. You're a great person and they'll see that. There is no reason for you to be nervous." Hale reassured me as we continued to close the distance between us and the door. Once we were standing right in front of it I let out a huge breath I didn't realize I was holding as we both pushed the door open.

Stepping out onto a beautifully ornate balcony we stopped behind a man that was dressed very formally. Craning my neck I forced myself to look over the edge of the railing without stepping too far out. Below us, as far as I could see where people waiting to hear what we had to say. They were looking up at us expectantly; some were whispering no doubt wondering who I was.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present unto you His Royal Highness the Prince of the Seas Hale." The whole place exploded in a series of cheering and clapping. There were smiles on everyone's faces as the crowd got louder and louder with each passing second. I guess they really loved Hale.

Hale stepped closer, dragging me a long with him. I was literally trying to dig my heals into the floor so that he wouldn't be able to pull me further into the eyesight of the people below. But he's a god so that plan failed miserably.

Once we stopped at the railing I promptly hid slightly behind Hale hoping that no one would even realize I was there. I know...that was stupid of me. Of course they would know I was there. Some strange human man is standing on a balcony with the future king of the Ocean and they weren't going to notice? Yeah right.

Holding up his hand the crowd's noise quickly died down as they waited for him to speak. Looking back at me, shooting me a soft smile he turned back to his people ready to speak.

"It's great to be back here! I've missed all my people tremendously and I see you've missed me too." Once again the cheering started back up, holding up his hand once again the silence came back.

"I know that I have been gone for some time and everyone was probably wondering what happened and what was going on. Some may have thought I was running away from my responsibilities as the future King. Probably a lot of you thought that I was running away from my future bride..." With that statement I cringed, the thought of Hale marrying anyone that wasn't me was hard to handle even when I knew it wasn't going to happen.

"But I'm here to let you know that none of that is true. I left to find myself before I had to lead you. I felt that it would have been selfish and irresponsible of me to take control of this kingdom without actually gaining some sort of experience. I feel as if now I have gained some knowledge and wisdom about the world. I've come back and I'm here to stay!"

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