Thorin x reader!Killed!

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It was a dark day in the kingdom of Erebor. The king under the mountain, Thorin, had fell with dragon sickness and refused to help the town upon the lake. His partner, a sweet Dwelf by the name of(Y/n), hated to see him like this. She fought with him to repay Lake Town as he had promised, but he refused. She fought with him of Honor. He stated she knew nothing of honor, for she was just Elven filth. The Dwelf accompanied Bilbo on his journey to give Gandalf the Arkenstone, she hoped this would help Thorin. But alas, it made him worse. He pushed her to find the Arkenstone, giving her no trace of food or water. When he found out she had accompanied Bilbo, he instructed her to be thrown off and into the stone littered water. Before that  could happen, Kili fought his uncle and helped (Y/n) get down safely.

Not soon after a battle broke  out between five armies. Thorin had yet to come out of hiding, and the poor Dwelf had been taken.


I struggled and strained to get out Azog’s grip. He had grabbed me as bait for the death of Thorin. The white Orc grabbed me by the hair and dragged me behind him, other Orcs on our trail and throwing pebbles at me like I was a game. We were atop a cliff with some signal high on a pole. A loud ‘bang’ shook the earth, I looked over to see a giant bell had broken down the walls of Erebor and Thorin led his small army into the battle. I smiled a sad smile, Thorin was back to his old self but I may never get to see him like that again. A sharp pain ripped through my head, a pebbled had hit my left eye. I clenched my left eye closed and covered my face from anymore pebbles. “Azog!” A deep voice yelled out. Thorin had called for him, fury clear in his eyes. He ran up the cliff, but Azog had grabbed me and slung me over his pale scarred shoulder. I shielded my head from anymore pebbles, while Azog carried me higher up a mountain. Orcs trailed behind us.

Once at the top of a frozen waterfall, Azog threw me onto the hard ice. The ice pricked my skin and my arms went numb. From the thick snow, I could see the outlines of Dwalin, Kili, Fili, and the love of my life. A wave of Goblins, I believe, ran towards them. Thorin and Dwalin stayed back to fight them, while Kili and Fili ran off under a small cliff. Azog had left me, but not before digging a sword into my shoulder to keep me pinned down. From a distance you couldn’t tell I was here. I did not dare to move. I suddenly saw Bilbo appear, weird. Suddenly a loud yell was heard, everyone stopped in their tracks. In the distance in a broken and abandoned castle, there Azog was. He held Fili in his hand. I shut my eyes tightly. My breathing became unsteady. The cold pierced my skin and the sword moved with my every breath. Pain shot through me with every staggering breath I took. My vision became blurry and my head spun.

I tried so hard not to close my eyes, but they were so heavy. My name was suddenly called, a deep dark laugh echoing after. I whimpered and lifted my arm slightly, but letting it fall back after an agonizing pain shot up my arm. The ice started to rumble and crack. Then it all stopped. I looked over to see a blurry figure coming towards me, but then a loud yell echoed through the mountains. The ice rumbled once again,and  then came to a stop. I was not going to sit her and listen to my love in pain. I couldn’t grab the hilt of the sword, so I lifted my arms and pushed the cross guard. The pain was unbearable, but losing Thorin will feel worse. The snow and fog had cleared by now. I stood and grabbed the rusty sword, Azog had Thorin pinned. I used what energy I had to run and tackled Azog. I shoved him off Thorin and skidded against the ice. Azog glared darkly at me and walked towards me after he had gotten up. I attempt to stand but I was so weak already. Azog raised his blade and drove it through my stomach. Thorin yelled, and stabbed Azog when he was distracted. Before Azog could fall on me,Thorin shoved him to the side. Blood stained my clothing and Thorin’s hand.


Thorin ran to the dying Dwelf. He skidded on the ice, reaching down and holding her in his arms. The dwelf panted, her breaths becoming short. “Thorin..” she whispered quietly. “I love you my love..” Thorin sobbed silently, his tears rolled down his cheeks and on (Y/n)'s blood stained shirt. Thorin leaned down and kissed her temple, "I love you too my love." (Y/n) smiled and reached her hand up to rest on his cheek. Thorin placed his hand over hers and locked eyes with his love. Thorin’s eyed filled with love and pain, (Y/n) filled with love and goodbyes.

The dwelf's hand went limp, her eyes going dull. She took her last breath in Thorin’s arms. Thorin sobbed at losing his Queen.


Not soon after, they had buried (Y/n). Thorin fufiled his duties as a king, and visited the dwelf's grave every morning and night. Thorin never meddled with another woman, his heart was set on (Y/n). He couldn't bare having to live on without her, but he did. Until the day he could finally be reunited with her.


Okay so I got bored and re-wrote this story twice. Decided to just post random stories. Yeah. They might be short and boring but I'm trying my best.

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