A Nightmare come True

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Dread wing opened her eyes and the first pony she saw was hounds tooth, but she looked very different, she was covered in blood and had a official rainbow factory worker coat on. She was the way Dread Wing feared, "h-hounds tooth" dread wing was starting to cry a little knowing her best friend's mind was manipulated to go to the evil side. Hound tooth had a wide grin on her face "hello Dread Wing" "W-what happened to you?" "Oh just the best thing that could happen to me" Dread Wing was starting to get a little annoyed, but mostly mad. She stood up and walked to the end of the cage where hounds tooth was, with a serious face on "Hounds Tooth, you're my best friend and i know one word that will knock sense back into you" "Oh yeah what is it?" Hounds tooth had a giant smirk on her face, Dread wing knew she was planning something but she said it anyway "you're .........." dread then passed out again. Hours passed and Dread Wing finally woke up, but she was at a graveyard, she knew this graveyard and feared it very much. She was standing in front of the graveyard where the elements of insanity were formed. Even though she was scared she had to walk forward, but right before she walked in she realized, her amulet was gone!!!!! "MY AMULET!!!!!!! WHERE IS IT!!!!!!!!" Dread wing breathed "I don't need it, i can defeat the rainbow factory without it" dread wing tried to walk away to find a way out, but she couldn't, there was a magic field around the graveyard and she was trapped in it. So she walked forward and looked at all the graves trying not to step on or near them, then she stumbled upon the grave of the spirit of Gaypenis she walked up to it and looked at what it said, then when she looked down she saw a hat "Uh Oh" the spirit of Gaypenis then came out of the grave and started to choke Dread wing, dread wing screamed thinking it would help, but it didn't everything just went black. When she gained consensuses again she saw a dead man right in front of her, dread wing backed up knowing what happened. She ran to a broken mirror near by and she saw the same hat she saw at the graveyard and mark on the eye that looked like blood but it wasn't, and her eyes were two colors the eye with the mark was red and the other was her normal crystal blue color. Dread wing backed away with tears then looked at the man and the blood and started to run into an abandoned house and started to cry, "why me?....... why me?!" she started to cry harder, she couldn't believe it. all of her nightmares were coming true, but maybe it was good, oh she only wished. She cried even more thinking about her friends and hounds tooth, who she didn't think as a friend, she thought of her as family. And that pony, the pony that always made her feel better, wasn't here to do that, she was part of the evil side. But then Dread wing thought "well I knew that this was probably gonna happen, and these new powers only give me a bigger advantage to win this war, yes this is war know" she stood up and started to speak out loud "take my friends hostage and this becomes a fight, take a pony I can about and put then against me and this becomes a war!!!!!!!" Dread wing screamed and the wall was now in the other house, "But first i should learn how to control these powers though." and after that she left and practiced on unbreakable ice dummies, and after awhile she was ready. She found a way home and flew to her house, everyone was there besides lighting bolt, she looked around "where's lightning bolt?" no one answered, they were just staring at her. Dread wing sighed "I'll explain later, now tell me where is lighting........" dread wing then realized something, they weren't even moving, it was dark and dread wing put on a light and sitting there was hounds tooth, rainbow dash and Horror, they all sat their with giant grins looking like she did what they wanted her to do. and Dread wing realized it and backed up "don't make me scream" "like you would hurt everyone with me around" hounds tooth walked forward, dread wing opened her wings and flew away, they were tracking her,but then dread wing saw something in the everfree forest and flew down to it, when she landed, the thing was gone. All she saw now was a not she looked at it and it said "Put your hoof on the scanner behind the tree you'll be safe, they won't be able to track u in there~love Loral Wing (AKA Mom)" dread wing looked happy and scared at the same time and she looked around for the hoof scanner and soon enough she saw it behind a near by tree just like the note said. She reached out for it and when her hoof touched it she the walls opened and there was a room, that looked very familiar for some reason. Dread Wing walked in and the walls closed, Dread wing looked around and saw something, she walked up to it and looked vaguely suspicious. It looked like some sort of medicine, and in front of it was a note, "drink this", that's all it said, Dread wing was a little unsure but she knew her mom wrote it and so she drank it and became very dizzy, seconds later everything was black.

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