Chapter 5: First Fight!

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Please enjoy and follow if you feel like it
You woke up to another day of school and waiting outside your door was an unknown person(Who else is excited about stranger things season 2, I've seen the first 3 episodes, they are fantastic!)
Y/N: Hello, can I help you? *looks confused*
???: Yes, actually you can *smirks evily*
He pushes you into the wall and closes the door behind him and he holds you against the wall(don't question why you don't teleport away)
Y/N: Who... *struggles to breath*
Sabertooth: Sabertooth, I'm here to keep you from going to school *smirks*
You stare in fear
At the school
Emma: Where's Y/N?
Kitty: I don't know, haven't seen him
Rogue: He wasn't at breakfast, maybe he's sick or something
Nightcrawler: Or he's just not feeling up to school today
The bell rings
Kitty: Try calling him after lesson 2!
Emma: OK, thanks!
Back at the institute
Logan: *sniffs the air* Sabretooth! *glares and says dramatically*
Logan changes into his uniform (don't question why he doesn't just charge)
Wolverine runs towards sabretooth's scent
Storm: Logan! Where are you running off to? *asks concerned*
Wolverine: *keeps running* Stay here! *orders*
Storm: Something's wrong, I better get the professor! *speed walks to the elevator*
At your location
Y/N: Why are you doing this...are you working for my mother or magneto?
Sabertooth: I'm here to get Logan's attention. *smirks*
Y/N: Oh I get it you want Logan to pay because he smells less bad or should I say better than you *grins*
Sabertooth: Shut up! *throws you against the wall and growls*
Suddenly your door bursts open with splinters going all over the place
Wolverine: Sabertooth! *growls while pulling out his claws*(Note- they are the metal ones in case you were wondering)
Sabertooth: Logan! *also growls*
They charge at each other stabbing and biting and throwing each other in to walls and other stuff until they smashed through a window and continued fighting and than they both stopped
Wolverine: What are you doing here, Sabertooth? What beef do you 'ave with the kid? *glares*
Sabertooth: That's my business, you'll have to beat it out of me! *growls*
Wolverine: Gladly! *growls back and charges at him*
Your position
Y/N: Wow! They so alike, smell bad, growl and are animal like *sighs*
Mystique: You won't escape death from me this time, son!
You turn around quickly in fear and shock
Y/N: Mother! *shouts*
At school
Emma: *calls you* Pick up, pick up, pick up! *says annoyed*
Kitty: Is he responding? *asks*
Emma: No! I keep getting his voice mail!
Kitty: Try Logan!
Rogue: Or storm!
Emma tries both but no success
Nightcrawler: Well? *asks worriedly*
Emma: Nothing but voice mail
Kitty: Well I have a catch up test next period
Emma: OK you guys stay here, I'm going to check at the institute, OK?
Rogue: OK, good luck!
Kitty: I'm sure he's fine!
Nightcrawler: Yeah!
Emma smiles and walks off
At the institute
Y/N: Mum! This time you *points at her* will not escape!
Mystique: *laughs* Me...escape? Don't make me laugh! (He just did!)
You teleport next to her and punch her in the face sending her into the desk
Mystique: Why, you!
You teleport and gran her guns and teleport again and drop them in the trash and teleport back and kick her in the back sending her to the floor
Mystique: *gets up quickly* How did you get so good? *asks annoyed*
Y/N: What's a matter thought I was pathetic and useless? *mocks* Well training is hard but it helps! *smiles*
(Flashback- 2 days ago)
Emma: Well done you just passed level 10, impressive *smiles*
Y/N: Thanks! *hugs her*
She hugs back
Mystique: It doesn't matter how much training you do I won't lose to someone like you! *points furiously*
She punches you and you teleport continuously and punching her and than you finally knock her out (well you think)
Logan's position
Wolverine stabs Sabertooth in the arm serverally injuring him and he runs off
Sabertooth: This isn't the last you've seen of me, I will get my revenge but that boy will have to do!
Wolverine: *growls annoyed* Get back here! *chases him*
In your room
Mystique gets up and kicks you into the wall and you hit your head hard causing you to bleed
Mystique: Time to die *pulls out knife*
Suddenly Storm appears and electrocuted her saving you but than you pass out
Wolverine enters the house after losing Sabertooth and than he sees Storm and the professor at your door and he walks towards them but than Emma Frost runs past him
Wolverine: Emma, wait!
Emma ignores him and runs past the professor and storm
Emma: Y/N! *turns swiftly to the professor* Is he okay?
She runs and crouches down to you
Professor: He is fine, he just needs rest
Storm: Shouldn't you be at school?
Emma: I was but, he wasn't at school, so I came here to look for him
Wolverine: I hope that there was no one else who came with you?, but if there is than more of you would be in trouble!
Professor: Logan..please let me handle this
Wolverine: Ok, fine! *leaves* I'm going for a ride
Professor: That would be best!
They fix up your room and lay you on the bed while Emma leans on your bed and refuses to leave
The end please visit my voting book and sorry its late

Emma Frost x Nightcrawler male readerWhere stories live. Discover now