Chapter 8: Xmen vs Suicide Squad

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Enjoy and visit my other books (Note: Alternate Suicide Squad with Boomerang, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, King Shark and El Diablo)
You were walking through the city with your girlfriend Emma at night with no one about when suddenly a strange light appeared and 5 strange figures appeared
Y/N: Who are they?
Emma: I don't know
Harley: This looks like a nice place!
El Diablo: But where are we?
Boomerang: Crikey!
Deadshot: *radios* Amanda!
El Diablo: Is she there?
Deadshot: No, what the hell is going on?!
Emma: Harley?
Harley: Hey look she knows me!
King Shark: She looks tasty!
Boomerang: Calm down mate, don't go chomping on people (Sorry I'm not very good with Boomerang)
King Shark growled in frustration
Deadshot: *points wrist cannon* Where the hell are we? Tell us if you don't want a bullet in you!
Boomerang: Smooth mate!
Deadshot: Shut up!....Mate *says in weird voice*
Harley: Wait a minute!
Deadshot: What?!
Harley: There is a restaurant!
Deadshot: Who gives a shit! Speak!
Y/N: We're in New York!
Deadshot: New York?
Boomerang: Crikey, how did that happen?
King Shark: We were in Gotham!
Emma: What's Gotham?
Harley: We've gone back in time?
El Diablo: How would they know your name than?
Harley: Magic!
Deadshot: How do you know who she is?
Y/N: *looks to Emma* Anything?
Emma: I can't read your minds!
Boomerang: You what?
Y/N: We met another Harley Quinn from another Earth!
Deadshot: Another Earth?
Emma: There is an endless amount of Earths throughout endless amount of universes which makes the multiverse with endless possibilities and multiple Harleys and everyone!
King Shark: My head hurts!
El Diablo: But how did we get here?
Y/N: I don't know!
Emma: What do you last remember?
Harley: We were......*interrupted*
Deadshot covers her mouth with his hand
Deadshot: Why should we tell you?
Emma: Because we mean you no harm!
Deadshot: That's good to know! No Amanda, you know what that means?
Boomerang: No exploding heads!
King Shark: I can eat freely?
Harley: Yay!
Deadshot: Squad, move out!
El Diablo: I don't wanna fight no more!
Emma: Mind staying here!
Ek Diablo: Sure!
Y/N: Wait! Squad guys!
The Squad spilt up causing chaos
Emma: What do we do about the others?
Y/N: the xmen!
After a few minutes of explaining and another few minutes of getting ready the Xmen (which includes, Wolverine, Iceman, Rouge, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Storm and Professor X)
Wolverine: OK here's the plan bubs, we split up into teams!
Emma: Me and Y/N will handle Harley, Wolverine and Rouge handle King Shark, Iceman and Nightcrawler handle Deadshot and Storm and Jean handle Boomerang!
The team split up and ran in separate directions
With Boomerang:
Jean: Stop there!
Storm: Come along peacefully!
Boomerang: I'm flattered ladies but I'll pass *throws boomerang*
Jean stops Boomerang's boomerang with her telekinesis
Boomerang: Shite!
Storm strikes him with lightning knocking him out cold
With Harley Quinn:
Harley smashed a window of a toy store with her hammer and jumped in
Y/N: Harley! Stop!
Harley span around
Harley: *pulls out gun* Your ruining my fun!
Harley fires a few bullets at you but before they can hit you Emma turns into diamond form and reflects the bullets knocking Harley's pistol out her hand
Harley: Alright you got me! *puts hands up*
With El Diablo:
El: So who are you?
Prof X: I am Professor Charles Xavier!
El: Nice to meet you
Prof X: Likewise
With King Shark:
King Shark was eating meat out of a butcher's shop
Wolverine: Hey bub!
King Shark turns around
Rouge: I think we got his attention!
Wolverine: Now for the messy part! *roars*
Wolverine charges at him with his claws out and stabs him but he grabs Wolverine and throws him outside into a car while Rouge managed to sneak behind King Shark and took of her glove and touched his fin knocking him out
With El Diablo:
El: So your a professor? Of what?
Prof X: Of the institution for mutants!
El: Mutants?
Prof X: Yes!
El: OK!
With Deadshot:
Iceman: Freeze!
Nightcrawler: Really?
Iceman: Sorry!
Deadshot: I'll pass!
Deadshot fires out of his wrist cannons while iceman blocks the bullets with an ice wall and Nightcrawler teleports behind Deadshot and grabs him from behind leaving him open and Iceman froze him and Nightcrawler jumped away before he was frozen as well
A few minutes and the Xmen gets the squad to Professor X and El Diablo's position
Y/N: Gideon!
Suddenly the Squad went back to their Earth
Emma: I need some sleep
Prof X: We all do!
Y/N: *yawns* Your telling me!
The end
Hope you enjoyed and please follow all my following and followers

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