Chapter 10: Inner Demons

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Final chapter for now!!!
You were stuck in a cell with a collar preventing you from using your powers when Magneto and one of his followers came in
Magneto: I hope your doing well Y/N!
Y/N: I will never work for you and my friends will find me!
Magneto laughs and than looks at you with a serious expression
Magneto: You will be with your friends shortly
Y/N: What do you mean?
Magneto: Have you met my associate here, he has the ability to bend personalities
Y/N: What so you mean?!
Magneto: So like if there was a person with a good soul he could change them into an evil person with dark intents, someone they wouldn't want to be
Y/N: Stay back!
You move backwards into the wall
Magento: I hope your reunion is good and please try to bring them alive thank you
Y/N: No!
The mutant shoots a beam of green light into your chest and inside your mind you stood with a shadow demon(the picture above) because
Demon: *laughs evily* Hello, Y/N!
Y/N: Who are you? *says a bit terrified*
Demon: I'm you....the stronger you!
Y/N: No...get out off my head!
The Demon overpowers you as your mind and body becomes his to control and the demon wakes up in his new body
Demon: *smirks* Good! Time to retrieve my friends!
The Demon teleport all the way to the institute
At the Institute
Emma: We need to go get him!
Nightcrawler: Mystique might kill him!
Prof X: I think Magneto has bigger plans for him
Wolverine: Like what?
Prof X: I don't know
Emma: So we need to get him!
Prof X: I know your upset Mrs frost but we can not just rush in, it could be what Magneto wants
Emma: We can't just sit here and do nothing!
Prof X: Don't worry mrs.......
Wolverine: Charles? What is it?
Wolverine and the rest look to where professor X is looking to see you
Demon: Hello friends!
Emma: Y/N!
Emma tried to run to you but Wolverine grabs her by the arm and pulls her back
Emma: What are you doing?
Wolverine: I smell Y/N but I also smell someone something else
Emma checks your thoughts
Inside your mind
You lay chained to the floor
Y/N: Emma?! Get out of here!
Emma: What, why?!
Demon: Because you don't belong here, girlfriend *smirks*
Emma turns to diamond and punches the demon to no affect
Demon: *laughs evily* Is that the best you can do?
The Demon throws Emma into a walk in the real world through your mind
Nightcrawler: Emma!
Demon: You don't stand a chance against me you weak.....
Wolverine mind: (Prof X): Get everyone to safety while I try to rescue Y/N!
Inside your mind
Demon: Professor! I should have known you would be the one to try and stop me but you won't change anything
The Demon and the professor fight
Outside your mind
Wolverine: Kid! Get everyone to safety!
Nightcrawler: But my brother?
Wolverine: Just go!
Nightcrawler runs and gets everybody out while Wolverine gets to wake Emma up
Inside your mind
The Demon throws the professor across the floor only for the professor to get up and jump kick the Demon and use his mind to shoot a laser beam at the Demon weakening the chains on your wrist but not enough for you to break them
Y/N: Just forget about me professor!
Prof X: I will not let your harm my students!
Emma: Professor! Need a hand?
the professor smiles
Prof X: I could use your mind
The two telepaths shoot laser beams at the Demon which weakens your chains a lot knowing that you hurt your friends the more the Demon lives you break the chains and teleport and kick the Demon into some Blackwood
Demon: Noo!
In the real world
Emma hugs you and you hug back
Professor X: Tell the students they can return to their rooms
Wolverine walks off with the Professor
Emma cries
Emma: What happened out there, who did this to you?
Y/N; Magneto! One of his minions!
Back at the hideout
???: Some Minion huh? Even Magneto doesnt know that I am not some lackey but I am..........
The end, wait and see whom the mystery man is and you will never know who he is til the next chapter which will be a while

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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Emma Frost x Nightcrawler male readerWhere stories live. Discover now