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For a couple of hours all they did was to pleasure ach others body. Alle hadn't thought sex would be

that incredible. How many years had it been she allowed a man to touch her? She'd lost count of so

many years, Stefano was the first and last man.

All groggy and still sated I allowed myself to drift and float as dream wraps its cloak around my

mind. But rather the sexy man beside her, past haunted her, dragging her back to the days where

comfort pain was all she had. Nightmare of her past lover, Stefano filled her mind.

Once I thought he was the man who can bring happiness, telling me that past doesn't bother him,

no matter what life I had endured he will still love me. "I accept you for who you are." those were the

exact words he said when I first gave him my heart and soul. Blinded by the sweet talking and gifts

for months, I agreed to live with the bastard. That's when I saw his true intentions. The sick bastard

has a heart of a demon and soul of a murderer. Abused me physically and tortured emotionally.

There was a time when he came home late at night drunk. He forced me to have sex with him but

unintentionally pushed him back, staggering back he came to me fast. Fist flying everywhere,

landing on my jaw, my stomach, I was thrown back and hit me hard at the wall.

For a minute, all I saw is stars crowding my visions, dizzy and unable to move, he ripped my clothes

apart. I didn't know for a moment what he was doing until I felt his shaft pounding inside me hard. I

screamed --- clawed my way at his face but he was too strong. That time I felt really helpless. The

man I once believed loved me was just pretending. Vile rose at my throat, I felt utterly stupid to even

open up my heart to him. Trusted him with my darkest past to only use that weakness against me.

No longer fighting, I cried. All my heart, I cried and cried. Endless tears streamed down my eyes

falling down to my temples, I cried silently--- praying this nightmare to be over, he not only destroyed

my body but destroyed me as a whole. That very night, he took me with him in hell.

"hey," deep male voice roused me in my sleep.

"sweetheart, you're just dreaming." said the male voice beside me. In the back of my mind, I knew

the voice calling me out. The voice that soothes me, taken me back to the gates of heaven and

buried all my worries and nightmares back to hell.

Opening my eyes, I saw the man. His earthly brown eyes held mine, concern masking his godly

features, his straight perfect nose inchhes from mine. This is the first time I really concentrated on

his very beautiful face. His sexy mouth parted, hot minty breath escape his lips sending butteflies

down my stomach and shivers down my spine. I inhale in  his scent, basking my lungs with pure

alpha male and a hint of sandal wood scent. His slick and tailored cut black hair perfect with a very

expensive suit matches his hair. Giving him the appearance of dark, sexy bachelor. I bet he always

wears an armanni suit wherever he goes, woman at all ages stopping to look and drools at the

sight of him. Mesmerized I touched his growing beard. "Hello stranger" I said rubbing his chin.

"Mmm... I wouldn't mind waking up every single day woth a very beautiful lady like you in my bed." he

told me enjoying what my hands are doing.

I smile at his comment, although not 100% convince at his sweet talking, I bet he always does that

to a hundreds of woman he bedded with. "you're dreaming--- care to talk about it?"

"Well, its just as you said--- just a dream. Nothing to talk about." I gently pull myself up resting my

head on the board.

"So about the chapel incident, you've mistook me for a priest," clearly changing the topic, he sat up

straight. "I guess you owe me an apology? And for taking you here with me." his eyebrows wiggling

with merriment and playfulness. "Instead asking you for forgiveness and some thank you's why

don't we play a game?"

"Didn't I just thanked you? Does that count?" I mused aloud. He is soo arrogant! "Isn't forgiveness a

much better and serene way?" I shot back at him.

"Nah!! I've given uo on forgiveness a very long time ago. Believe me, I stop believing in that word."

his bitterness in his voice is very obvious. He didn't believe in forgiveness. Is that the reason for the

loneliness in his eyes?

"has someone hurt you or betrayed you big time for someone like you to give up on forgiveness?" I

asked him.

He smiled at me. "Enough about me. So what do you say--- we play a game. We both ask each

other two questions, we answer HONESTLY. You can choose not to answer but there are

consequences. So... fair enough?" he asked me.

He wanted to know about me, I am intrigued about him. Both a win-win situation right? Thinking

about it many times. "Okay. I think I can handle stress." I joked. My curiosity about Gareth can be

sated once I ask him what I wanted to know. Same goes for him. But if push comes to shove, I can

always choose not to answer but consequences are to be met. I gulped at the thought about what

he might ask me to do. Well--- a girl can hope.

"But before we start with the game, why don't we have some foods. I bet you're hungry from what we

did--- coz I'm famished." he stood naked, walking out then seconds later, he emerge from the door,

plastics of food in his grasp he lay beside me. We ate in silence both coming up with questions in

our mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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