The Sweetest Taste is Revenge [In Love With My Best Friend] {Watty Awards}

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My life's no fairytale. It's just plain boring. I've never kissed a boy. I've never left the state of Illinois. I've never been drunk. I've never used drugs. I've always lived in the same old same town, where everybody knows everybody else's business. I'm even still a virgin for crying out loud. No boys have ever even looked in my direction, not that I have anytime for boys and their BS.

I would consider myself pretty if I actually try but I don't. Like this morning, I got up and grab a pair of jeans off my floor which had paint all over them. I put on a T-shirt two sizes too big with a sports bra underneath and put on my old shoes which use to be white but now was covered in mud from going to the track.

The track was my little piece of heaven. It was where I spent most of my time. The track is on the outskirts of town, surrounded by a couple old small farms, most of them abandon. There's this old path that leads to an old swimming pool that was abandon years ago and now is used for teenagers to skateboard and throw parties in. Only bad thing about the track is that there's this little shed, where the pool equipment use to be kept and couples go there to.......I think you get my drift. It's disgusting, if you ask me.

And these girls jump at the chance; well they jump at the chance as long as it's with one of the three jerks. The three jerks run the school. They're the kings of Rose Dale High School. And I know what you're thinking, girl falls in love with number one jerks of the school and he finally notices her and falls madly deeply in love. End of story. Well you'd be partially right, see I am in love with the number one jerks but here's the kicker the number one jerks knows me and know that I exist. He even loves me. Notice how I said he loves me and not that he's in love with me. That because he's my best friend.

I hang out with the three jerks; I'm just one of the guys. I know by now you're thinking 'wow three boys all to herself' but all three of them see me as a little sister. It was even worse growing up with them because I always tried to tag along. It was always the three boys and the little girl with cuties that wanted to play video games with them and sneak out to camp in the forest and ride bikes with them. No matter what it was they always tried to ditch me. It wasn't until their teen years that they actually started inviting me to hang out with them. I think the only reason why they didn't want me to hang out with them was because king jerks followers always made fun of him for talking to me and befriending me. They always called me his girlfriend and teased him about me and he always hated it, thus the fact I was never invited.

His name, if you're wondering, is Rice. Rice Brody. My boy next door, literally. I still know what you're thinking, this is one of those stories where girls in love with her best friend and best friends in love with her but they both won't admit their feelings to each other because their afraid they other won't feel the same way but your wrong. Rice has told me on many occasions that I'm the little sister he never had. It's not only that but Rice has slept with just about the whole female population of our high school except for maybe a handful of girls, which including me.

Then there is Max and Jackson. Jackson is and will always be a total jerk. He sometimes is worst with girls then Rice is. Where Rice will be nice to the girls when he dumps them, Jackson sleeps with a girl and then calls her a name or two, like slut, and then just leave. He doesn't care about anyone's feelings beside his own and sometimes Rice, Max, and I.

Then last but not least Max. He's a lot nicer then Jackson and Rice. He gets girls by listening to their feelings and helping them with their problems. Usually Jackson and Rice will sleep with a girl and break their heart and Max will come in to comfort them but then he'll sleep with them and break their hearts again. Even though Max is nice to the girls, I still think he's the worst of them all. He'll actually tell the girls that he's in love with them. Rice and Jackson would never do that.

The girls in my school seem to be the dumbest girls around. I'm not just staying that because I'm jealous, even though I might be a little bit but only because Rice gives them the time of day and calls them pretty and gives them compliments. I know that he just tells them that so he can get them into bed but sometimes I wish that he would just compliment me once, even if it was just a 'Your okay' or a 'your average' it would still be a compliment coming from Rice's mouth.

That's how I ended up in this situation............

"What do you want?" I asked to Trisha, she was the co-captain of the cheerleading squad. She and a couple of other cheerleaders surrounded me. There were four of them plus Trisha.

"Your Anastasia but people call you Stage, right?" A cheerleader actually knows my name, now that's a shocker. Yes my name is Anastasia, but I hate when people call me Anastasia or Ana, everybody just calls me Stage.

"Yeah, what's it to you?"

"I'm Trisha, this is Brook, Helen, Lucy, and Kyle." I looked at all the girls. I've seen each and every one of them get their hearts shattered by one of my boys.

"Yeah, I know who you guys are." I tried to turn around and walk out of the girls' bathroom but Trisha grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back against the wall.

"What do you want?" I practically yell at her, while slapping her hand off my shoulder. If there's one thing you don't do to me, it's put your hands on me without permission.

"Calm down, we just wanted to talk to you." Brook said putting her hands up like she was innocent, yeah right.

"Then just tell me what you want."

"We need your help." Trisha took over again, speaking for the whole group.

"Help with what?" I asked now curious, what could they possible need my help with.

"Well, the girls and I are a little put out. You see your boys seem to be breaking ever ones hearts around here including ours." Trisha continued.

"FYI girls, this isn't news to me, I know what the boys do." I turned again to walk out the door but Brook step in front of me. I let out a big huff, letting them know I was annoyed with all of them.

"We want to teach the boys a lesson." I looked at all of them for a second and it finally clicked.

"No, no way. I'm not helping you. They're my friends. Whatever you want me to do to get them back, I'm out." I finally turned around and walked out the door but Brook and Trisha followed me, walking beside me.

"Please, do it for all the girls at this school, not just for us." Brook started begging.

"I can't, whatever you have planned, I just can't." I said, turning to my locker and putting my books from my last class in it. The hallways were empty because the bell rang ten minutes ago dismissing everyone to go home. I should have already left but I just had to go to the bathroom and get cornered in by the cheerleaders.

"Will you just think about it, please?" Trisha said leaning against the locker right next to me.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Brook and Trisha high fived each other and had huge smiles on their faces.

"That wasn't a yes that was a I'll think about it." I stated.

"Of course. See you later Stage." Trisha and Brook turned around and walked off.

"Stage?" I jumped not expecting Rice's voice.

"Hey, Rice." I smiled up at him. Rice was pretty tall and was very muscular. He had been in football most of his life and work his ass off, always trying to be the best. His eyes where an ocean blue and brown shaggy hair.

"Why where Trisha and Brook talking to you?" He asked as he watched Brook and Trisha walk away. He seemed a little more occupied with their asses, so he didn't hear my hesitation.

"They ummmm.....need help with some project their working on." I wasn't lying, they technically were asking help with a project, I know it was a little far-fetched but still I wasn't lying.

"Well if you don't hurry up you're walking." He started walking down the hallway towards the parking lot. I slam my locker shut and ran up to him to catch up.

"Will you let me drive your mustang?" I gave him my best puppy dog face.

"No one drives my baby besides me." If there was one thing he was protective over it was his mustang. He didn't let anyone drive it besides him and under no circumstances is anyone aloud to eat or drink in his baby. Men and there cars.

The Sweetest Taste is Revenge [In Love With My Best Friend] {Watty Awards}Where stories live. Discover now