The Sweetest Taste is Revenge [In Love With My Best Friend] {Watty Awards} CHAPTER 2

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"So, we're all hanging out tonight at the track." Rice spoke as he pulled into his driveway.

"I've got work in an hour." I replied back.

"Well, what about after work?"

"Will you pick me up? You know how I get really creped out walking to the track from the diner at night especially with the bar just down the road."

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Promise? You won't forget about me again." I held out my pinky, waiting for him to link his pinky with mine to guarantee that he would pick me up. I wouldn't have made him promise but last time he forgot.

"Promise." He linked our pinkies together and sealed it off with a kiss on each other's hands like we always did. Then got out of his car and walked up his porch steps and walked in his house.

After a couple of seconds of sitting in his car alone, I got out and walked next door into my house. We have been living next door to each other for almost ten years, so he always drives me to and from school and dropped me off at work too.

My family is as dysfunctional as they come. My mom and dad can't seem to stand the sight of each other or be in the same room with each other for more than five minutes. If there was an Olympic game for fighting, my parents would bring home a metal for sure.

When my parents weren't fighting, they were working or so they would say but we all know working is definitely not what they are doing. My dad spends most of his time with his Barbie look-a-like secretary, Shelly.

Shelly, has bleach blonde hair, she's in her mid-twenties, and is one of the biggest sluts you'll ever know. She's also as dumb as a box of rocks.

My mom likes to spend most of her time at one of the local bar we have in town. She get's totally wasted and then finds some random guy that will sleep with her. When they both get home, dad yells at mom for being a drunk and mom yells at dad for being a man whore, that only cares about his work and not his family.

I have two older brothers, Lincoln and Mason. Mason moved out of the house when he was sixteen, about three years ago, and dropped out of high school to go tour with his band. I haven't seen or heard from him in about a year.

Lincoln on the other hand is twenty-one and moved out when he was eighteen. He lives thirty minutes away and goes to the local college. He's been working his ass off trying to pay tuition. He wants to be a doctor, so he goes to college full time and then has two part time jobs, so I don't see him that often.

Most of the time it's only me in this cold empty house. I go to the kitchen to get something to eat and then go up to my room and get ready for work.

After I took a shower I changed into some underwear and a sports bra and exit the bathroom. Rice is lying on my bed but he isn't paying attention to me he's just staring up at the ceiling. Even if he was paying attention it really doesn't matter he's seen me this unclothed before and it's not like he's checking me out, I could only wish.

"She won't stop calling me?" I slip on my waitress uniform and look up at him.

"Who won't?" I continued to put my hair in a messy bun.

"Sara......Stacy.....Samantha......I know it starts with an S but that's really not important, she won't stop calling me."

"Her names Stella and you and her seemed to be getting along yesterday." I stated.

"Whatever, you ready to go?" He sat up and looked at me. He looked so sexy on my bed and when I looked into his blue eyes, I felt like I was drowning in them. I must have been standing there staring for a minute or two because he cleared his throat.

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