Kang Daniel :: Fuckboi

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•Firstly Kang Daniel is that Tease/sweet fuckboi

•No one can really say they hate Daniel because he's literally the sweetest

•But he's captain of the school's dance team

•Although he's super sweet he's notorious for making girls fall with both sides of Daniel

•When girls ask if they're a thing Daniel would act all shy and awkward making them think he's going to say yes

•In the end he'll say "when were we ever a thing?" And just leaves them

•one day you were running late for class so you were literally booking it down the halls till you tripped over air lmfao me everyday

•your braces yourself for the painful impact for when you actually did fall

•but you actually never fall face first into the floor

•when you open your eyes all you see is fabric and while your eyes travel upwards you see none other than thee Kang Daniel

•"careful next time cutie I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

•you literally almost melt when he shows you his adorable ass smile, but you knew Kang Daniel

•He literally had bad news written all over him if you got involved with him

•You simply nod, not trusting yourself enough to speak, and headed to your class

•Honestly you thought it would be the last time you would have an interaction with Kang Daniel but you were far from right.

•Ever since that day he would walk you to your locker if he saw you early that morning and just talk with you till the first bell rung and both of you had to leave for first period

•One time Daniel just decied to be the little fuckboi he is and pin you to your locker

•Like deadass both of you were just casually talking, with your back pressed against your locker and Daniel got a little closer, eventually putting one hand besides your head on the locker and the other holding the small of your back before pulling you closer to him, and staying like that till your eyes eventual dart down to his lips in anticipation

•By then Daniel would have already known he's had your heart locked down

•After that he literally made it his job to hold your hand if he sees in the halls, with the occasional kiss of your backhand before intertwining his fingers with yours

•The thing was Daniel didn't held any particular feelings for you in fact he was planning on dropping you a next week but when he saw you laughing with  another guy something just came over him

•He progressly became more possessive not that you were complaining though

•If he thought a guy was to close he wouldn't hesitate to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you close to him

•Daniel even would compliment you more and ask you out on a dates to hang out  like a shit ton of dates hanging out

•like one time when you both were at a cafe Daniel just couldn't take his eyes off you and just randomly blurted out "We should come back here it really compliments your beauty."

•he wasn't even shy when saying either

•Over time both of you naturally grew closer and Daniel was still being in denial to his feelings

•But once when you were walking in the halls you thought Daniel was flirting with another girl and you couldn't help but get jealous

•Of course you tried to hide the fact of it because if Daniel knew you knew you wouldn't hear the end of it

•You did a bad job in hiding it anyways

•In physics class you shined the light box straight in his eyes and pretend it was an accident by that I mean  you turned it on and put it right in his face

•During lunch your back was face towards Daniel and you were laughing a little too much at Seongwoo's jokes

• Oh and you stepped on his foot even though you clearly saw it was there

•While walking to your next class Daniel kept bothering you about what was wrong

•you either replied with "nothing" or just ignored him altogether till you got into your classroom

•On his way to his own class he's walking with Jaehwan and Seongwoo ongnielhwan

•and her literally won't shut up about how he doesn't know why you're mad at him

•The two just exchanges a look and sigh because honestly Daniel don't have been so dense

•"remember when you were talking to Mijin" Jaehwan said finally

•"yeah so...???"

•"(y/n) saw how close and giggly you two were." Ong said finishing the sentence before entering the classroom

•Daniel was still a little confused

•Eventually Daniel finally connected the dots and a huge smile would cross his face

•During class he text you to wait for him at your locker after the last period

•Daniel still can't wipe the huge smile off his face even when he sees you with your arms crossed leaning against your locker

•you're like "wtf wipe that smile off your face weirdo."

• He only smiles wider as he suddenly pulls you closer so that his forehand is resting against yours

•"Ey, don't stay mad at me little one, I didn't mean to make you jealous. Forgive me already cutie."

•"Don't call me cutie pabo."

•He can already see the small tugging at your lips but decides to take it a little further

•Daniel somehow managed for your to uncross your arms and hold your hand, intertwining his fingers with you

•"Aigoo how am I  not supposed to call you a cutie when your hands are so tiny in mine?"

•Once he'd finally see you smile he couldn't himself and cups your cheeks before pulling you into a sweet kiss

•Literally he's smiling into the kiss cause you make him so happy

•there was no doubt about it that Kang Daniel loved you with all his heart

•when both y'all start dating which was basically that day it'd literally be the cutest thing

•When he works out he'll either have you under or in front of him so he can have kisses every time he comes down from a  push-up or comes up from a sit up

•Honestly cuddles with him plus Peter and Rooney are the cutest things ever

•He has a sweet one-liner for literally every situation

•Daniel absolutely loves seeing you wear his clothes and gets when he sees your sweater paws cause his leaves are too long

•But we can't forget about the fuckboi side of Daniel tbh cutie disguised as a fuckboi sums up Daniel

•Kisses with the fuckboi Daniel omg girl-

•Daniel has a thing for pinning you against walls lol what

•He literally leaves you wanting more and somehow your legs always end up wrapped around his waist

•Either way cutie Daniel comes back and you both just end up giggling and looking at each other lovingly

A/N:I'm sorry if you dislike the fact that I moved Wannaone onto this acc but honestly I don't have the time to run two accounts and move between them . I know you guys really want some updates but I'm trying to make up the story lines some more so that it develop wells but I'm also trying to manage high school and truth be told I've kinda drifted away from Monsta x. I'm sorry for the sudden change but I'll continue to write for monsta x but I'm mixing wanna one with it so I hope you don't mind that.

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