Have you ever been reading a book and something crazy happens in the story. Me and my family was reading a book and it said this man had decided to work 7 years for the women he loved father.
The women's father said to himself" why would i give my youngest daughter away before my oldest" so after the man worked for 7 years, the women's father had a party.
This story is way back in history and back then if you sleep with someone you was automatically married to each other. On the night of the party the father got the man so drunk that when he was in bed he didn't know who joined him and thought it was his love.
What he didn't know was that the father had he's oldest daughter get the bed with the man and according to their rule i guess, they was married.
After waking up realizing that his love wasn't in the bed but her sister. He went to go confront the father saying" did i not ask for the hand of the youngest, why do i find her sister in my bed"
The father new what he was doing (i think)he said the man " you think i would give my youngest away before the oldest, it just isn't right " The man really love his love and his love loved him back so he told the father"i'll work another 7 years for your youngest daughter"
The father let him and he got to be with his lover even though now he had his real love sister as a wife to.
After reading the story i was reminded when my youngest sister tried slapping a boy for liking her. I said to my granddad "remember when she brought that knife to school and the teacher asked her what was she going to do with it". What said was that she was going to slap him with it.
All granddad could was look down and hold his head. When he looked up and looked at her a said" hey, you can't be slapping guys with knives just because they like you"
He said " what if this man worked 14 years for you and your love, what would you do". She didn't even hesitate and said"kill him". Everyone in the room started laughing really hard because of the face he made when he heard that.
I said "i fell sorry for the guy that tries to marry you". Granddad just said "he better off just taking her to the court telling the judge to not say anything about love or marriage".
So she would have a setup wedding not knowing what's going on. Granddad said this is how her wedding is going to be:
Boyfriend- "come on honey we have to be at the court now"
Sister- "okay I'm coming"
Boyfriend-" Hey Judge what ever you say don't say anything about marriage or love, you don't even have to ask me if i like her or any thing just as long as she says so"
Judge- "um...okay"
" miss do you like this man"
Sister- "yea i like him"
Judge- "give her the ring you bought for her"
"congratulation i pronounce you man and wife"
Sister-" wait what"
Husband- "Judge you might want to run now "
Judge- "I see, Bye "
Funny Moments
Humorcrazy stories i make up when a thoughts cross my mind {1st time writing}