Chapter 1: A Family And A Home

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After I saw Amity destroyed, I threw the magic seer to the ground and it went into pieces. Why?! Why?!! Why?!!!

I ran to find a place with less people and found a peaceful forest an hour later. I sat down against a tree and let the tears I've been holding back flow.

I should've fallen with everyone else! I shouldn't have survived! If it weren't for me, Desiree would still be alive!! I slammed my right fist to the tree behind me.

I then thought about the town I was just in. Everybody looked so happy and peaceful. It looked like how Amity was before the war. It was kind of nostalgic. I wonder what kind of life would I have lived if I was born here instead of Amity.

I sighed and looked down. Thinking about it won't do me any good. What's done is done and I can't go back to the past and change it.

What am I supposed to do now? I'm so...lost and alone.

Might as well get some sleep. I'm tired from all the running and fighting.

Gildarts's POV:

I was on my way back from a mission and was coming back to Fairy Tail by cutting through the forest. As I walked farther, I saw something a little disturbing.

A boy about Laxus's age sleeping in the forest with a shirt splattered in dry blood. The blood wasn't noticeable as he was wearing a black shirt, but if you look hard enough, you can make out the outlines of it.

I felt powerful magic power coming from him for someone his age. I was very impressed.

I walked closer to him when suddenly he opened his eyes and used requip magic to bring out a sword which was as dark as the night.

His eyes...they were cold and filled with mistrust and fear. They weren't eyes of a child. They were the eyes of a soldier.

My insides crumbled in sadness and anger. What happened for someone his age to have eyes like those?! What happened for him to have eyes that are too much alike with the members of Fairy Tail?

Danny's POV:

This man's magic's immense! It's just like that man! Who the hell is he?!

Gildarts's POV:

I stepped forward and he went into a battle position. I could see the fear in expression. Could he be able to sense my magic power? At such a young age? Interesting...

"Who are you?!" The boy asked harshly, ready to try and slice and dice me and with his free hand, I could see a little ice forming. He can use two types of magic? Impressive.

"My name is Gildarts. Where are your parents, kid?" I asked him in a gentle tone, already knowing the answer.

I didn't ask him for a name since I knew he wouldn't answer or he would give me a fake one with his little trust in me.

It looks like I guessed right about his parents if his little flinch at the mention of them was anything to go by. "Dead." He answered with a hint of pain and anger as he lowered his stance.

This caused me to sigh a little bit. With his eyes, I could tell that this kid was someone with a dark past. He would fit perfectly well in Fairy Tail. Everyone there has a burden or pain that they carry throughout their lives. Even me.

99% of the people there don't even have blood related family members anymore. I can only think of Master with his son (who got kicked out) and grandson (who's even more arrogant than most dark mages).

I made up my mind. "Hey, kid! Do you know what a guild is?"

He looked a bit surprised by the sudden question, then tilted his head a little in confusion and shook his head no. "What's that?"

I smiled slightly. "It's where mages come together for jobs and to make friends. A guild is like a home for one big happy family."

His eyes widened a little. "Home? Family?" He sounded a little weak and hopeful.

I nodded with a soft smile as I walked towards him and this time, he didn't back away. "That's right. We may not be blood related, but we all care for one another in our own special way. We'll do anything for each other and that's what family is. We laugh together, we learn together, we fight together."

I knelt down to his level and looked at him in the eyes. "Would you like to join my guild, Fairy Tail?"

He narrowed his eyes a little. "Fairy Tail?"

I gave him a grand smile. I love explaining this to kids. "Do fairies have tails? Do they even exist? It's a never ending mystery but it's also a never ending adventure. That's what our guild symbolizes." He looked a little awed by it. "So, would you like to join?" I stuck out a hand.

He seemed a little hesitant.

Danny's POV:

Should I? This guy isn't lying. I could tell that his eyes held no lies. He was even respectful enough not to ask me for my name when it was clear I didn't trust him.

His guild sounded amazing and wonderful. It

That's a word I never thought I'd use again. Fun. I never had any fun when the war started, but this is my chance of starting over. A second life.

A family. Somewhere to call home. That's what I want. I want to join this guild, Fairy Tail.

Gildarts's POV:

He slowly reached for my hand and grabbed it, nodding. "I...I want to join." He answered with strength and hope.

Phew! For a second there, I thought that he would decline and that I would have to drag him to Fairy Tail. I know that it's not right, but...I could tell that this broken boy needed someplace to call home.

I beamed. "Then let's go! I'll take you to there."

The boy looked a little uncomfortable. I was about to ask him what's wrong when he suddenly said, "Danny." Huh?

He looked into my eyes. "My name is Danny Fenton."

I was taken aback a little. Just a minute ago, he was ready to fight me. I then gave him a grin. "It's nice to meet you, Danny! Hope you're ready for a new chapter in your life!"

To be continued...

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