Chapter 4: From A Dark Hell To Home

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Makarov then asked me something as we were walking back to the guild. "Danny, what kind of magic do you use?"

Both Gildarts and muscles-for-brains looked at me, also curious.

I looked at the sky, wondering how should I explain it. "I use Phantom Magic, which allows me to take on the properties of a ghost. I can turn invisible and intangible, and fly. I can also project a sonic scream, like how you usually scream before you die and use ice because the dead is cold."

"I also use the branch magic of Phantom, called Ectoplasm magic. To put it in the simplest terms, it's like maker magic. The only difference is that Ectoplasm is just basically energy. It's not anything solid like ice or earth, so I can do something like sending out energy shockwaves from my body."

"I can also do a little requip, but I only use that for the one sword I have." I explained to them with a little guilty look in my eyes.

Gildarts and Makarov's POV:

He's hiding something.

Danny's POV:

Laxus raised an eyebrow. "Still, that's a pretty impressive repertoire."

I smirked at him. "I also have a powerful ability called Phantom Mode. My hair turns white and my eyes turn green. It multiplies my speed, strength, and magic power by almost x100! I can't use it for very long because the strain is too great for my body and I'm usually in pain afterwards, but once I grow up, I'll be able to hold it for longer and I'll completely destroy you!"

Laxus scoffed. "Ha! Once I unlock my Dragon Force, I'll be the one doing the ass kicking! It gives me the power comparable to a dragon! There's no way you'll be able to beat me!"

I stomped on his foot. "I think you got it backwards! Maybe if you hadn't fried your brain so much, you might actually get a sense of reality!"

"What did you say, Casper?!"

"I think you heard me, Thunderwear!"

Makarov coughed loudly so he could get our attention. "Anyways, Danny, do you have a place to stay or any money?" He asks with concern.

I then blinked. I really haven't thought about about that. "Now that you mention it, no."

He gave me a grandfatherly smile at that. "Then, you can eat at the guildhall and stay at the guild's basement until you have enough money to afford your own living."

I gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks, old man!"

The guildhall suddenly came in front of us and we entered inside. We were all greeted by the shouts of our guild mates.

"Hey, guys! Hey, Master!"

"So? So? Who won?!"

Gildarts decided to answer that one. "It was a tie."

I don't know what kind of reaction I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't the one I got.

"That means no one won the bet!"

"Aww, man!"

"At least I didn't lose money. I haven't been on any jobs lately."

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