Chapter 7: Up A Mountain

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Sorry for the long wait!

Laxus and I were on the train, headed to where the job was, Raidus Village.

I'm pretty sure we made everybody on the train uncomfortable and scared as our magic auras clashed fiercely while we were glaring at each other the entire time.

Don't look at me! The idiot started it!

Our job was to take down the dark guild, Purple Death. They've been attacking the village and taking villagers back to their guild for who knows what. The mayor of the town want us to save the villager if they're alive, or, if they're dead, bring back their bodies for burial.

After we talked to the head of the village, we started to hike up a mountain near the village where Purple Death took residence. Or in my case, flew.

Laxus was glaring at me halfway up. "Are you that lazy or is your stamina so bad that you have to use magic to fly?! Save your magic for the fight, ice princess!!"

I felt a vein pop at my forehead. "I'm just utilizing my skills that I've worked hard on! I have more than enough magic to spare for a flight or two, unlike a certain fried chicken!!" I screamed back in irritation.

Sparks flew between our gazes as we both had the same exact thought. 'Why did master/grandpa make me go on a mission with him?!'

We would've kept going, but a large purple and black building came into sight as we started to near the top.

We both looked at each other and nodded as we slowed down our pace and began to get closer while making as little noise as possible. We hid in the forest near the guild hall as we stared at it, not really knowing where to start looking for the missing villagers.

I put out a hand towards Laxus. "Grab my hand. We'll survey the area in the air invisible to make less noice and to not be seen." I whispered as I made a plan in my head.

Laxus looked at my hand and started to turn slightly red. I realized what I just said and started to turn crimson out of embarrassment as well.

I put my hand down and looked away. "I-if you don't want to d-do it. I-I'll just look around m-my self and tell you w-what I see with a communication lacrima." I quietly stuttered as I tried to cool down my face.

Laxus also looked in the opposite direction. "I-it's for the mission, right? I-it'll be more effective with two s-set of eyes in case y-you miss something, which will be more than likely with your stupidity, Casper." He says as he smirked at the last part.

I sighed in relief in my head as we were heading towards a more familiar zone. "Tell me who was the one who mistook the blue cheese for the ranch dressing?!" I snapped at him in a whisper.

Laxus looked pissed off as I brought up that hilarious incident. One of our guild member's drunken self was messing with things in the kitchen and switched the labels of the ranch dressing and blue cheese.

Thunder Brain, who wasn't paying attention, didn't notice the slight color difference and grabbed the blue cheese instead of the ranch dressing and dumped it over his salad. He bit into it and started to cough and spit out his food, then proceeded to run over to the garbage.

I was rolling over and laughing, enjoying the entire show.

It was such a memorable day that I'll always remember.

Laxus looked like he wanted to punch me. "How was it my fault that the labels got switched?!" He shouted as loud as he could while whispering.

I snorted at that. "Excuses, excuses. The color between the two are slightly different. Pay attention, idiot."

Lightning started to crackle around him. "You-" A voice cut him off as unfamiliar voices started to reach our ears.

I grabbed his hand and turned us both invisible. I started to fly both of us up and saw below the source of the voice.

Two men in black and purple outfits were towards the guild hall as they came out of the opposite end of the forest.

"Are the sacrifices ready?" One asked to the other.

"Yeah, they're ready to go. Though they're crying so much that I might just kill them before midnight."

"Don't. The master will be very angry with us and you know what he's like when he's mad. If they annoy you that much, just knock them out."

"Whatever. I'm just glad these are the last ones. Can't stand anymore screeching."

"Yes. With the last of the sacrifices, the demon will be satisfied and shall appear before us. We'll show, not only the light guilds, but those in the Baram Alliance, just how much we are to be feared."

With that, the two went inside and Laxus and I looked at each other as we wondered what to do now. I flew back into the forest.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked him as we went over what we just heard.

"Purple Death is using the villagers as sacrifices to wake up a demon of some sort. From what we heard, they've made multiple already, so going on from that, most of them are dead already, but some are still alive, but we don't know where. If we just start charging in, they might order the sacrifices to be killed on the spot." Laxus said as he practically voiced my thoughts.

I sighed as I realized how much more complicated this mission became. "I don't know the area at all and this mountain is huge. If I start looking, it could take me a long time, and time is something we don't have a lot of." I stated as I looked at the sun starting to go down. Judging by the sun's position, it's about 5:30 p.m.

Laxus pointed at the direction the two dark guild members came out of. "Let's start with over there. They came out of something and let's check what it was." He declared as he started to walk towards it.

I shrugged as I didn't have any other plan. "Let's go then."

Let's just hope we don't end up as demon food.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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