Check up

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She starts the check up by doing the normal routine. Blood pressure ,heart rate, reflexes , that sort of thing.

"So next I need you to undress" she says.


"I need you to undress so I can make sure you don't have bumps or marks or anything like that if you do I have to put it in"

"Can't I just tell you"


I sigh before slowly undressing. Once I do she gently picks me and looks me over. I feel very embarrassed like this but for some odd reason I'm enjoying this.

"Okay now I need some X-rays" she says"

"Does that mean I can put on clothes again"

"Aww but don't you like being naked~"

I think for a moment before answering.

"If it please you I'll stay undressed you have done quite a bit for me"

She smiles and rubs my head before gently pick me up and bringing me to a machine.

"So I'll just need one X-ray then I need a sample of blood and urine" she says.

"Okay I'm ready whenever you are "

She sets me down and slowly gets me in position. The machine slowly spins around me and gets the x-ray. Once it done she takes me out and sets me on a table.

"Would you like to see?" She asks.

"Sure why not"

She shows me my x-rays. Nothing is wrong with my bones.

"Okay you can get dressed"

"You sure?"

"Yep I need to take you across the hall and I'm pretty sure you want be dressed so no one else sees"

I nod then slowly get dressed. Once I'm dressed she picks me up and carries me to across the hall where more gadgets and machines are.

"So what first urine or blood"

"Urine! I mean I hate needles"

"Oh I'm sorry I'll be gentle though"

She has me pee in a cup then she gently takes some blood.

"Okay so these will get tested and once I have them back things will be good!"


"Now what flavor lollipop do you want"

"I get a lollipop"

"Yes you were very good"

I think for a moment before answering.
"Grape please"

She grabs a lollipop and hands it to me before picking me and it up and bring us back to her desk.

"Thank you for the lollipop" I say as I awe in its size. I've never gotten something like this before.

"Your welcome alex"

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