[8.2] Welcome to a New Beginning [2/4]

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To those of you who have forgotten what this is about – this is the second sort of beginning you could use for your story. That is, the second sort of beginning that will draw readers in like your story is a spiderweb and they are the insects, that will have them hitting the vote button so hard (using their mouse, of course. Unless they have touch screens or are using a phone) that the device used to press the button will break. Which will have them staring in awe - did I just experience the definition of 'mind-blowing'? This is an alternative you can use to get those votes rolling in and having the readers eagerly click on the link to the next chapter. Or if it isn't up, desperately waiting for it to come up.

It has tips too, advice on writing in general with an illustration that really just comes as a bonus.

The first I oh-so-originally titled ‘Alarm Clocks’ and if you want to know how to write a beginning such as that (which really, you should. There shouldn’t be any ‘if’ – you’ll never be considered a ‘good’ writer if you don’t know how to start a story using alarm clocks) I’d suggest you head back right now.

It’s one beginning that you must have in your artillery.

This is the second one. I’ll begin with giving you a prime example of what your beginning should be like, if you choose to go with ‘the direct approach’, after which I’ll go ahead to tell you why it’s such a brilliant way to start your story. Be warned, however, some reasons may be alike to those discussed under alarm clocks, but then, those reasons form the basis to every successful story, so don’t worry about it too much and just read.

II – The Direct Approach


My name is Boris Boograpott. I’m fifteen years old and I attend Bubbles High School, California. I have sandy blonde hair and an amazing tan from all the time I spend on the beach – I’m a swimmer, see, and that’s gotten me the most ripped body any fifteen year old, or anybody, rather, can imagine having, and it has all the girls throwing themselves at me because girls my age really have nothing but boys on their mind all the time, and because it’s completely normal for a girl to keep trying to flirt with a guy who is completely uninterested in her. My eyes are green with specks of grey, and I’ve often been told that they’re the most amazing eyes anybody has ever seen.

I’m 5’10 and weigh 200 pounds, though I assure you, it’s all muscle. Besides swimming, which burns away all the calories that my favorite food, or rather, drink, the ChoccoShake gives me, I also lift a lot of weights. I started weight lifting just last year, but I was rather dedicated to it and now I can lift, well, a lot. So I’m also pretty strong, and like I said, my body is pretty ripped.

So you’d think I have an amazing life, because I’m so gorgeous and girls love me and I love my body, but I don’t.

I’m gay.

And nobody knows. I worry about telling people because they might not like it, but that’s not the only problem I have. My family is ultra-rich and we have like, four Lamborghinis, but my parents don’t love me. First, they only let me drive the Ferrari! Second, they’re never at home, which does allow me to throw wild parties and drink up all the booze that they never notice is missing, but that isn’t nice anyway. It’s not that I miss them or anything, but you’d think that they’d know better than to leave me with my little sister! Which I know that they do – know better, that is – which means that they don’t love me. And even though it doesn’t bother me because I’m gorgeous and have girls running after me, I’m meant to care.

And then I’ve got a sister. Her name’s Annabelle and she’s so annoying! She’s my twin too, with blonde hair just like mine and grey eyes with green flecks but that’s not the point. She’s a pest. And she knows that I like my best friend, Drake. So she’s always threatening me with the fact that she could tell him and then my life would be ruined and all the girls that chase me, who I don’t care about because I’m gay, wouldn’t chase me anymore and I’d die a social death. Which really, is about the worst thing that could happen right now because I’m also very popular.

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