II - The Old lady

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Everyone's attention turned to the noisy horn from outside. It just means there is a royalty visitor. "Have you seen Ria?" Sophie whispered to Fausta. "No, but thank goodness for whoever that visitor stopped the most embarrassing moment of my life," she said.

"Give all your respect. His majesty, King Laszlo of Tiambu, has arrived."

Everyone bowed in honor of the king who was the husband of King Zhao's youngest sister. King Laszlo went straight in front of King Zhao to bow and give respect. Then he looks at the queen, his wife, and approached her then kissed her on the forehead. He sat next to the queen where there was a vacant seat ready for him. While the queen looked straight ahead and did not even look at the king.

"You're a bit late, you missed the dance," King Zhao said. "I just finished some important stuff," King Laszlo answered. "I see,"

Names of dancers are being announced one by one: Daruk, Malrion, Chris, Mint, Levi. They bowed simultaneously; Faskar, Amara, Mila, Fausta, Sophie- who's out of sight. "Sophie's not feeling well after the dance, heh," Fausta said even though she knew where would Sophie went.

Sophie went to their dorm room to see if Ria was there, but she's not. She decided to go to the library to get some books instead. As she arrived, she looked for a book about the past of Lochwynne— it is the topic in their class.

She went to her favorite spot in Redacre. She sits on the bench and watches the Lighting Bugs flew over the place. She opened her book and started reading. "I can't believe our former king is a traitor. Luckily he has a twin brother that saved the kingdom," She stopped for a moment when a butterfly landed at the top of her book. She continued reading and the butterfly flew as she flipped the page.

She felt the presence of someone sits beside her. She heard children while playing magic. But she ignores it all. "King Aud rescued the girl and let it escape, he tried to speak to his twin for the new Queen's death.." Sophie read aloud.

"Maybe he tried to explain everything. But what might be his reason for killing the Queen?." Sophie closed her eyes and trying to think for an answer. There's something wrong in their book. Lack of Information.

"Right!" She screamed that even the old lady beside her was surprised. But Sophie still ignores. "The king may have retaliated for what his twin did, but isn't it too much?"

The old lady who was next to her sighed and spoke "Love..." Sophie looked at the old lady for a second while thinking that maybe the old lady is just talking with herself. "He will do everything for the girl he loves," The old lady said. Sophie got thought that maybe King Aud really love the girl that he even surrenders his throne just to be with the girl.

"But what if the girl didn't really love him back, that she was just using him," Sophie asked of nowhere but she is actually waiting for the old lady to speak, however, the old lady just face her and hold her hands. "We met again," The old lady said.

Sophie was shocked and confused at the same time. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you," She said politely. "I saw them together once and I can see that he truly loves the girl and the girl also loves him." Sophie nods. But seconds past, Sophie widens her eyes.

"You mean you met them? For real? And you were there at that time?" The old lady smile as a response. An amazing reaction can be seen through Sophie's eyes. She thought of asking the old lady than reading the book. This is the first time that she'll ignore a book.

"What happened that time? How do you see them? How did the king met this girl, isn't the king is Mysterious ?" Sophie asked continuously. "Yes, King Aud is indeed mysterious, no one would ever recognize him that he is the king if they encounter him. The girl doesn't have any bad intention in our world, she wouldn't let to have a responsibility here if she doesn't have any plan to stay."

"What do you mean by responsibility?" She asked. "The girl got pregnant, and I'm the one who helped her to give birth. " Sophie was wonderstruck by the information she didn't expect. That information isn't written in any book!.

"They were happy, the one that longed for love and attention, and the other one that's wishing to have someone that will make her feel safe, that they meet each other and satisfies their desires. But not everyone was pleased. "

"Because it was against the rule," Sophie said in a low tone. "No, it wasn't against the rule. Who would dare to make a rule stopping two people from loving each other was nothing but a child of Nemesis." The old lady said with a low tone but a defensive voice.

"You mean, there are no rules against loving someone from different dimensions?" Sophie asked. "There are no rules about that, but what y- the woman does was against Nicola's rule." Sophie tries to remember if she is ever known someone named Nicola. "Disaster is coming and you are the one who could save every dimension."

Before Sophie understands what's the old lady referring to, she grabs her wrist with a gem. She can't see what's happening because of a light coming from the hand of the old lady. After a sec, she feels pure magic entering her wrist.

"Use it well, Sophie." The old lady said. "Who are you?" Sophie asked.

"You can call me Myrtle Cadence, Mica for short." then the light vanished.

"SOPHIE!" A familiar voice caught Sophie's attention. She saw Ria standing 5 meters away from the bench. She looked back to the old lady but she's already gone. "Do you see where the Myrtle went?" Sophie asked.

"Listen to me Sophie, you shouldn't talk to anyone you don't know." The concern is written on Ria's face. "Let's head back to our dorm," Sophie nodded and took the book. While they are on their way to their dorm, Sophie was still occupied by information given by the Mica. She looked at her wrist with the full attention that she didn't even notice that she bumped with someone.

"What's with your creative mind, Sophie?" Ria asked as she saw how Sophie ignored the guy she bumped with earlier. "Earlier an old lady named Myrtle Cadence told me a story about the lesson we had."

"Really? I think the elders know the story already." Ria told Sophie to make her believe that it is a common story. Sophie didn't notice that they were already at their dorm so she immediately lays on her bed and took a deep breath

"What's the problem?" Ria asked as she sits beside Sophie. "Did the book states that the woman that was suspected as a spy was pregnant?" Sophie asked Ria. "Really Sophie? You didn't read the book?" Ria asked

"A while ago" Sophie responded. "I stopped reading the book and just asked the Myrtle because she told me that she was once with the old King and the girl" Sophie added

Sophie expected a long silence moment when she heard a loud laugh "Really Sophie?! You're not reading a book now?!" Sophie pushed Ria off her bed and said "You're a great help you know that?"

Sophie then lay down on her bed and sleep. While Sophie was sleeping Ria whispers on herself "I want to know the truth too Sophie, there's so much that my family hides from me."

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