I - Sophie

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--Years after at the world called Lochwynne..--


His Majesty, King Zhaodus of Lochwynne, took the place from former King Aud, his twin, accused of treason in his own kingdom. Contradictory to his brother, he likes being praised, he would cut others head rather than accusing him of infidelity.

He walks wearing his cold personality look while walking with elegance as everyone bows down as respect, he fixed his well-embellished tunic with gold-work thread. "It's time for school young lady," he said to her niece with a deep husky authoritative voice.

Her highness steps out of the room with unfinished ornaments, her untangled wavy blonde hair bounced. Enchantress hurriedly approach and trace the gold lace in her highness' silk dress- not a gown, it's school, not a royal event.

"Then I better get going," She didn't give a glimpse of Zhao's Aqua pair of eyes as she walks daring pass his majesty but with grandness.

"Don't forget to dye your hair," he said.

Every mage bows down as she walks past them, however, she doesn't like being praised and getting the attention as she walks. Her highness stop as one enchantress, with a wide smile and a curly pink hair, was standing straight and staring at her.

"I know you wouldn't like it if I bow so I didn't," She said.

"I'm glad you know, Fausta, and I would be pleased if you could convince your father to do the same." They both smiled at each other before her highness walks out of the palace.

Fausta as well went out of the palace as soon as the Princess was lost in her sight. She went to the library where she saw a lot of wizards. Everyone was allowed to enter the library even though this school was exclusive for wizards only.

A woody vanilla scent was strong that every bookworm would definitely love. She smiled at every wizard she encounters, they all smiled back at her but that's it.

"I'm excited about Crystal's party," the wizard girl said to the other. "Yuh! Me too especially Chris and Mint are invited too!" she said.

"Oh my really!?", "Hey, what do you mean Crystal's party? " Fausta said

They both stopped for a moment and looked at Fausta. "Crystal's party, you know, aren't you invited?"

"No, heh, maybe because Crystal and I haven't talk yet," Fausta said then both girls left. She saw Mila staring at her with a smirk— maybe she heard that I haven't invited yet.

She knew everyone hates her for a random reason, especially Mila that always gives her an annoying smirk. Except for one wizard, with emerald eyes and ginger hair, collecting a bunch of books—again.

"Hi there book worm, I think your arms are fully BOOKED," Fausta said while leaning on a bookshelf. "Fausta I need this remember?" Sophie said as she watches the books that are now walking away —When did a book learn to walk? Do they have their own book to learn?

"Book's book," Fausta smiled while staring at Sophie. "Here you go again Sophie, it's my skill" Fausta is a daughter of an enchantress living in Redacre, the biggest kingdom in their world, how could she forget?

"Two books are enough, now off you go," she said.

Sophie went to their dorm and she saw her roommate, Ria, also her best friend like Fausta. "You're here," She said. "Yeah, but I still have something to do," Ria gave her a look reminding her that she will soon find what she's looking for. "See you at the palace,"

She took her hairpin and breathe deeply before she flies all the way from Dark Magic University or DMU to another place of Oligarchy. It's a bit far this time as she already went from nearby places. As she was flying, she was looking at the view, from the big structure of the palace, the wide structure of her school, the trees and flowers are getting plenty which means she's near one of the towns.

She landed at Redacre, the biggest capital in their world, and decided to walk from there instead. She couldn't avoid admiring their Pink-ish sky and a white sun that gives light to their dark life.

As she arrived at her destination, she removes and holds her pin, she walks in every house, hoping that her pin would lit for one stranger. "Need help?" a strange girl with white long hair asked her. "No, I'm fine."

Sophie was discouraged again. She left the area and went to her favorite spot in the Redacre.

While sitting on a bench, Sophie observed the scene in front of her. Home sweet home, Sophie once live here with her foster parents, she has no idea who was her real parents. Every time she asked, her foster parents would just say "We don't know, sorry sweetie."

"I knew I could find you here," Fausta said. She sat beside Sophie and appreciate the beauty of the Redacre. "It's so beautiful here, right?" Sophie said.

"Yes, that's why this is your fav spot, and own it like you really own it." Sophie smiled. "Is the party starting?"

"Oh, gee! I almost forgot!" Fausta said frantically. "What do you mean almost?, You've forgotten already," Sophie said between her laughs.

Fausta grab her and flew quickly as they can. They went to the outer court of the palace where the party will be held. Everyone was cooperating, the weather was good as the mood of the people—is that Ms. Lin being uproarious while laughing insistent?

"Look, Those who want silence have the loudest voices," Sophie said.

"I'm gonna find my partner for the dance," Fausta said and left Sophie sitting and chooses to wait for her partner. Fausta looked around trying to find a girl with blonde hair— Crystal. As soon as she finds the person she was looking for, she immediately went near her and formed a smiley face.

"Hey Crystal, I heard you're going to have a party," Fausta said and tried to guess Crystal's reaction. "Oh yes! I'll see you there," Crystal said.

"Wait— am I invited?" she said with full of excitement. "Of course, didn't Mila give you the invitation?"

Fausta remembers Mila looking at her at the library, maybe the invitation was the reason why that annoying girl! She was holding all the invitation the whole time but she didn't even give mine. "No, heh, maybe because Mila and I haven't talk yet," she said.

The dance was about to start. Dancers went to the Throne room where King Zhao is with her sister, Queen Savannah, sitting in their Throne chair with one left empty. The Enchanters and Witches cast spells that would show the whole room outside. It's like a Widescreen TV!

"Is it just me or is our country not really developing?" Sophie whispered to Fausta beside her before covering her nose and mouth with a georgette fabric connected to her dress.

The music has begun and every move of dancers is full of sincerity. Sophie practiced every move so she no longer hesitated to watch her every move, she just focused on her partner. When they turned around slowly, she saw Fausta who was seriously serious about dancing, but Sophie knew that deep inside her friend was thrilled because her partner was the popular guy, Mint.

Fausta glared at her then wink, they both smiled at each other that they didn't notice Mila's foot. Sophie could do nothing but to watched Fausta who was tripped. Everyone stopped and gasp in shock while looking at the scene.

Mila's mouth dropped open as she looked at Mint holding Fausta in his arms while Fausta couldn't handle to hide her red cheeks. She immediately stands straight and tried to lessen the awkwardness by smiling and avoiding the gaze of Mint and a death glare from Mila.

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