"My princess."

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"And I'll say goodbye and try to move on" - Before You Exit
Lauren's P.O.V.:
"Lauren, hurry up!" Dani screamed from the room. I'm still changing into my clothes. I cursed myself for being late mentally. It's not because I take so long when it comes to changing and putting make up, it's because I still needed to keep my things inside my suitcase. I may have not kept my things last night because I was way too sleepy.

After doing my things, I grabbed all the things that I used and dumped it in my suitcase carelessly. I zipped its zipper and make it stand while grabbing its handle. Dani is already stood near the door, completely ready, waiting for me. I grabbed my bag that contains my phone and other important things and held the hotel card. I walked towards the door and we both went out of the room. I closed the door and we hurriedly walked to the elevator.

We waited until we reached at the lobby. I checked the time on my phone and read 3:58 A.M. We're safe. We walked out of the elevator and walked towards the pack that's already waiting for us. With a blink of an eye, we already went inside our vans. We didn't waste our time and the van took us to the airport. The ride was so silent. Most of us were so sleepy from waking up too early.

When we reached at the airport, we went inside the airport directly. Luckily, we weren't able to spot any fans here since it's still early in the morning. We held our bags and suitcases while going through the immigration stuffs. We go through the security check and waited until everyone is done.

Feeling tired, I took the chance to sit on the chairs near the gate. The others did the same thing while the others also look for food. Dani asked me what I want as she bought it with Christina.

Someone sat beside me with his phone at his hand. I looked at my side and saw blonde hair. I looked away directly, completely shocked. From all of the seats, why pick the one near or beside me? To calm my mind, I placed my earphones and played a random playlist at my Ipod

Katherine called me to get my food from them. I got it and went back to my seat. Good thing he wasn't at my seat already. But then he went back to his seat with a burrito on his hand. We both are our own food, still feeling a little awkward.

Then suddenly, music stopped playing in my Ipod. The heck. I pressed the power button and saw a battery percentage with a red color. Low battery.

I grabbed my phone and opened the music app when someone started whispering. I tried to find the source of the voice. I wish I haven't.

"I still miss you." He whispered at my side.

"Who are you talking to?" I mumbled as I took my earphones off.

"My princess." He said as he made eye contact with me, I looked away immediately, not looking at his eyes that are broken.

"I'm not you're princess anymore." I said as I heard the speaker announcing about our boarding gate that is opened. I grabbed my belongings and made my way to the gate.

"You don't miss me?" He's voice barely loud, yet I could still hear it. I turned around and look at him one more time.

"No. I do... still miss you." I said biting my lips. "I know my limits." Those were my last words before showing my boarding gate to the attendants before joining with my sisters. They noticed the tears in my eyes, but they didn't asked me any questions which is good.

I looked back and saw him with Allie. Oh yeah, he's still in a relationship with her, and as a girlfriend of Reece, she would join the tour. She slung her arm around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Blake caught me staring at them so I turned back in front.

We are already sat at our chairs, I'm on the window seat with Christina at my side. Within some minutes, the plane started moving. The flight attendants brought out some food for us when it was already safe to stand up. I plugged my earphones to my phone and watched some movies that I downloaded.

cars + parking lots : reece bibby and lauren cimorelli Where stories live. Discover now