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Should be laughing but there's something wrong.❞ - Louis Tomlinson
Lauren's P.O.V.:
"We should at least start posting covers to keep things updated." Christina suggested. We are currently at the airport at this 2 am in the morning for our next flight. Christina made us have a group meeting because she was worried about our channel's inactivity when it comes to posting videos. She wanted to make sure that there are still fans who are waiting for a video even if we are on tour.

"And a vlog." Dani added enthusiastically.

"Yes. You and Lauren will be in charge of that." Christina said as me and Dani had a shocked face. She continued giving out more ideas like Katherine telling her poetry or Amy showing her drawings or artworks and storytimes or games. Anything just to add up the video lists.

"Have you guys written any songs for now?" Katherine asked as we replied with nod's and shook's. I already wrote alot of songs and even produced some of them but I'm not really that confident to show them it.

The flight attendant announced on the speakers that the boarding gate of our flight is already opened. We grabbed our suitcases and bags and walked to the counter to present our boarding pass. We soon passed through the tube that is connected to our airplane.

I found my seat which was near the window. I sighed happily, knowing that I would be seating at my favorite position in an airplane. Then Brad found his seat which was on my side as she frowned. He sat at his chair, placed his bag infront of him and turned to me.

"Can we please exchange seats?" He asked with his childish voice and pouty face. I laughed at his attitude before shaking my head as answer of no.

"As much as I want to say yes with that face of yours, I'd still take no." I gave him a smile while putting my headphones in. I don't have to look back at him because I know how he reacted to my reply.

The airplane took off in any minute. I gripped lightly at the sides of my chair because of the shakiness of the airplane. Then the seatbelt mode turned off so I went to the bathroom with my bag which contains my essential needs. I wasn't able to do my routine a while ago because I slept for a while- more like took a rest but then woke up at the wrong time. I washed my face, applied some things in it before washing it again. I took my small towel and wiped it in my face and powdered a little bit of powder on my face.

After I was done with my routine, I went out of the bathroom and went back to my seat. There I saw a set of meal in front of my seat with a can of juice on it. Brad stood up so that I could go to my seat. I sat down and took the knife and fork and saw a set of pancakes with maple syrup on it.

"I was supposed to get bacon and eggs for you but then I chose pancakes instead because its your favorite." He said with a mouthful of bacon.

"It is absolutely my favorite. How did you know?" I said as I smiled.

"Reece." I smiled wider upon hearing his name. I started imagining how it would feel like to have him sit on Brad's seat. I would have hyperventilation just hearing him say one word. I would blush hard if he feeds me my food. I would go to the bathroom every now and then because I would be feeling this butterflies on my stomach and that would really make me wanna pee. Damn, I feel and think like a fangirl. Ignoring those thoughts, I continued eating my meal.

"She's blushing." Brad smirked at me as I glared at him.

"Heck no." I denied as I continued eating my food. He turned on his phone and took a picture of me quickly before showing it to me. There reflects an 18 year old girl with her cheeks as red as an apple that made me look like a lobster. I tried to grab his phone, attempting to delete the picture. But he was quick to putting it away from me which made me sigh.

cars + parking lots : reece bibby and lauren cimorelli Where stories live. Discover now