Chapter 5

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"Maximus, What did you want to be before all this?" Diablo asked. "A Gladiator like my father and grandfather I suppose." Maximus replied. "They are much more than meer gladiators Maximus." said Diablo. "Yes but I don't see their jobs opening up anytime soon." said Maximus. "Mmm. Good point. So I guess you will just have to settle for being my king since all the other jobs around here are all taken." Diablo said smiling playfully. "Woah now lassy, I haven't even asked you to be my wife yet and already your trying to put me on a throne." Maximus said trying to sound serious. "Well, How can you even be thinking of asking me to be your wife when you haven't even tried to kiss me yet." Diablo responded in just as serious of a tone. She was lazily leanimg against the wall when Maximus walked up very close to her. He was almost pressing her to the wall. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. For a moment she noticed that she was holding her breath as their eyes met and were locked on one anothers. "I haven't tried to kiss you yet for fear that once I touch my lips to your tender beautiful lips I'll never want to stop." He said as he slid his thumb across her qivering bottom lip. "Who said I'd want you to stop?" She said. Her words came out barely above a whisper. Every mussle in her body was tense with anticipation. Maximus could see the desire and hunger in her eyes as he leaned in closer wrapping one arm around the small of her back pulling her body up tightly against his. She could feel his heart was racing as fast as hers. Then he pressed his lips to hers. All at once the world around them faded away. Diablo had never before felt such passion. She melted in to his arms as they kissed each other. She was instantly in love with him and he with her.

All of a sudden the world came crashing back in around them as they herd footsteps coming down the hall. They broke apart and did their best to compose themselves. Lady Alexandria came round the corner and in to the garden. "Oh there you are Prin.....cess. Oh dear. It seems I've interrupted something." Alexandria said. you could see the embarrassment on her face.

(page 27)

"No, Not at all. Why would you think that you are interrupting something?" Diablo said nervously. She quickly glanced at Maximus then looked back to Alexandria. Alexandria made a clearing her throat noise while wiping her thumb across the right edge of her bottom lip and glanced motioningly at Maximus before letting her eyes lock on the floor in front of her. Diablo's eyes widened as she realized what Alexandria was hinting at. She looked at Maximus and quickly rushed over to remove from his face where her lip color had smudged on to his lips. "I was thinking of turning in if you've no need of me further this evening highness." Alexandria said nervously. She was unsure if as a lady she was to wait to be excused for the evening as it was required of a servant. "Oh of course. You don't need my permission. You are a lady now. Your practically royalty so you may do as you wish." Diablo responded with a smile. "Thank you highness. You are most kind." Alexandria said. "Ali Fetch. You stop talking to me like you are my servant this instant. You are my friend and my name is Diablo." Diablo demanded. Alexandria was instantly down on her knees with her head bowed as she said. "I apologise. Please forgive my ignorance Princess Diablo. I meant no disrespect." Diablo instantly recognized the sound of fear in Alexandria's voice and rushed over to her. She knelt down in front of her and gently took her by the hands and said "Ali please don't fear me. I could never do anything to cause you pain. I would gladly tare my tongue from my mouth before willingly speaking a foul word twords you. You are my friend. You and I are like sisters almost. It is I who should be apologizing. I did not understand until just now the true impact the horrors you have faced. To see you now trembling before me breaks my heart." Diablo said. There were tears welling up in her eyes as she realized that her tone had truly frightened Alexandria so deeply. "I don't know who I am or what is expected of me and I'm just so frightened that I will disappoint you after all the kindness you have shown me. I feel so lost and out of place." said Alexandria. "Well how about we start by getting you up off this floor. A lady kneels to no one. Well unless ordered to by the king for special purpose of course." Diablo said reassuringly

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