Chapter 2

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I sat on the couch carelessly flicking through tv channels.
"Im going to work Honey, dont watch tv all day please," My mother said as she kissed my forehead. She worked everyday except saturdays (It was Sunday now).
"Dont worry mom, Sadie is coming over soon anyways," I looked up at her and gave a small smile.
"Dont get into trouble ok?" She said as she turned to leave. I rolled my eyes, since when do I get in trouble?
It was about an hour later when Sadie finally got to my house. We watched tv in silence for half an hour watching V, a show about man-eating reptile people, before I got bored.
"We should go to that old ironworks site," Sadie said excitedly.
I clicked the tv off and stood up;
"Why not," I said.
Sadie followed me out of the house, I locked the door and stuffed the key under the welcome mat. We hopped onto our bikes and began to ride towards the end of town.
It took about 45 minutes of biking (and a few breaks) before we got there. The Ironworks factory had been a factory that exploded on Easter years ago. The remains of the factory was scattered everywhere like some sort of graveyard.
Metal scraps jutted out of the ground, dead trees entangled in soggy, decomposed plaster and cement. A smell of rot clung to the air. We dropped our bikes beside the road and cautiously began to step through the wreckage.
"I cant believe nobody from the city has picked up this stuff," Sadie said in disgust as she picked up a small gear completely wrapped in cobwebs.
"Nobody wants to go near this place thats all," I said kicking a sheet of metal back to reveal a pile of small rats, each of them raised their small pointed heads at me and gave a hissing sound. I jumped back letting the sheet of metal fall back into place.
"You ok?" Sadie asked looking at me worriedly.
"Rats," I said simply, continuing to look around. My eyes fell to a small fabric caught on the root of a tree. It was faded and torn, the reminents of some boys shirt. My stomach turned.
A victims torn shirt.
"And what are two pretty girls like yourself doing in a place like this?" Sadie and I spun around. The voice belonged to known other than Patrick Hockstetter. Great. At the boys side stood a small blonde boy, Victor, and a large boy, Belch.
"Leave us alone Patrick," Sadie spat. All three boys made stupid 'oooooo' sounds.
"Y-Ya leave us alone," I said trying to find the bravery Sadie had.
Patrick sneered and took few steps closer. I walked to Sadies side.
"Looks like we got a couple of fiesty girls," Patrick said as he placed a dirty hand under my chin. The other two boys laughed. I smacked Patricks hand away, he frowned and in a split second I found my self sprawled on the ground, holding my gut. Patrick punched me. Shoulda seen that coming. A burning pain began in my back and I felt a warm liquid drip down my back. I musta landed on a sharp piece of metal or glass. Sadie helped me up.
"Hey shitheads!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Looking up I saw Henry jog over to where we were all standing,"I go to take a piss and you all disappear,"
"Patrick found some junkyard girls," Belch said as he pointed to us. 'Said' isnt really the right word, 'grunt' works better.
Henry stared at us, I still gripped my middle, Sadie an arm around my back. I made eye contact with Henry again. Help me please.
He looked at Patrick, who looked quite please with himself.
"Leave 'em be," Henry said. The other three boys looked at him in disbelief.
"What?!" Patrick yelled.
"I said leave. 'Em. Be," Henry stepped closer to Patrick, instinctively Victor and Belch crowded behind Henry. Even though Patrick was more than a foot taller then him, Henry showd no fear. The anger seeped out of Patricks eyes, making them look hollow.
"Alright," Patrick turned and started to walk back where Henry had come from. Victor and Belch followed.
Thats two Henry mouthed looking at me. I swallowed.
Sadie watched the boys go out of sight before wheeling around towards me panic spread across her face.
"Sadie shhhh," I said placing a finger to my lips. I looked back to where the boys disappeared fearful they would hear and come back.
"You must have super powers," She said in awe.
"You got Henry to help us. Superpowers." I rolled my eyes.
"Not superpowers sorry," I patted her back, mock sadness on my face.
We biked to Sadies house (It was closer), my back started to bleed more and I couldnt sit up anymore. Sadie bandaged me up.
"Why did Henry help us?" She asked quietly as she put polysporin on my back. I almost slapped a hand to my forehead, I had completely forgot to tell her the story of Henry and the wolf.
"Well," I started the story, "After I left your house yesterday, I went through the Barrens, a shortcut, and I-I ," I couldnt get the words out, It sounded preposterous.
"You what?" Sadie asked.
"I-I seen a wolf," Sadie was silent.
"And it chased me and I tripped and It almost got me but Henry shot it and saved me," I spoke the words fast fresh panic rising as I thought about the Wolf and Its eyes.
"He shot it?" She asked.
"Ya. With a police issued gun. I dunno where he got it though,"
"His dads a police officer, he probably stole in from him," I felt dumb. I never even thought of that.
"Did anything else happen?" She asked.
"He said that since he saved me I owe him something,"
"Ooo thats not good, you dont want to owe Henry anything,"
"Well, since he helped us today, now I owe him two somethings,"
"Well I dont know what to say. Except that sucks for you,"
"He also threatened to shoot me yesterday,"
"Aaaaannd there is the Henry we all know and love," she said sarcastically a giggle at the end of her sentence.
I smiled.
If it wasnt for all the favours I owed him, I could get used to him saving me.

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