Chapter 4

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4:30 pm.
Sadie and I stayed at my house all day. After what happened with Henry, Sadie and I had breakfast and went into my back yard. We found Tiger Lillies in my neighbors yard and made stealth missions to pick some. It was fun until the neighbors dog, a german shepard named Chip 'escaped' and chased us out. Sadie and I hopped the fence falling into a mud puddle and squishing half the flowers.
We made it back into the house in a hysterical panick. Chip had almost bitten Sadie and I had a small scratch from one of his claws on my left calf. We threw the squished flowers in the garbage and the rest we put in a fat floral vase. We were both covered in mud. I had first shower, taking half an hour before Sadie kicked me out. I sat cross legged on my bed, back against my headboard a book in my right hand and my left hand lazily grazing over my blanket.
The phone rang. I set my book down and slid off my bed I rushed downstairs and to the kitchen. I grabbed the phone quickly answering it.
"Hello?" I asked trying to be polite.
"Hey there," Henry said. Oh ya he has my number.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Whoa. Calm down," He laughed.
"What do you want Henry?" I sighed.
"Cant a guy just call his friend without interrogation..."He asked.
I stayed silent.
"..and have you help me," He finished.
"Boom there it is," I placed a hand on my forehead. "What is it now?"
"Remember that rock fight I told you about earlier?"
"Me and my friends are going to talk to those..losers. Tomorrow 1 pm. Be at the kissing bridge I know a shortcut from there to their stupid fort,"
"Why do you need me for this?" I asked. Im not that intimidating.
"I like having you around. Also I dont know where the fuck Patrick is,"
Was that a compliment to me or a complaint to Patrick? Both? Im gonna go with both.
I was silent for a bit.
"Hello? Helllo? What are you a mute?" He asked his voice getting slightly more agitated.
"Ya I'll be there to help," I wrote the time and the place down on a pad of paper.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Your thinking about when I kissed ya aren't you?" He asked chuckling a bit.
"Kinda ya." I tried to brush it off even going as far as shrugging my shoulders (immediately realizing he couldnt see this).
"You wanna know why I did it?" He asked.
"Sure," I replied.
"Your facial expression. You tried to look like me I could see it. Never do that. Never try and pretend that you are like me. Next time it wont be a kiss,"
He hung up.
I stared at the phone. His threat playing over and over in my head. This was Henry. Threats. Not saving people. Not a caring person. Threats.
"Who was that?" Sadie asked as she stepped into the room. She wore pjs and had a towel on her head a lone wet lock of hair sticking out of the bottom of the towel and stuck to her forehead.
"Dont worry about it," I put the phone down and turned towards Sadie.
"I cant hang out tomorrow though,"
She gave me a weird look then shrugged and turned away.
"Lets see whats on the tv," she called over her shoulder. I gave a small smile and followed her.

Maybe I can make him a caring person.

Maybe I can make him..mine.

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