Stutter: Chapter 7

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 "Any leads so far?"

"No, turns out whoever must have done this, were smart enough to cover up their tracks."

"Damn, have you tried asking her what she remembers?"

"I've asked her if she knows who took her eyes, but she didn't respond..."

"Well try again, maybe we can get an answer out of her this time."

"Are you all really that blind?" "If she really wanted to talk, she would have done so already. You can't force the answer out of her."

"But if we never ask, she'll never speak and the case will be a lost one."

"Just trust me, it won't. Just let her live her life and the truth will appear in a matter of time."

"Alright then, but if she doesn't, you'll be the one explaining to the Hogake."

"Haha, alright!"

"Shouldn't we check on her?"

"Oh of course woops!"

Leading the way, Kurenai motioned the three men behind her down a long corridor leading to the girl's bedroom.
"She might be sleeping, so we need to be respectful." Laying a finger down upon her lips, her sangria eyes threatened the men behind her silently as she continued her quest towards {Y/N}'s room.

Behind the girl's bedroom door, eight pairs of ears caught a whiff of sound, was {Y/N} talking to someone? They couldn't sense any other presence around her, so who was she talking to?
Gripping the steel knob, Kurenai jostled the door open only to be met with nothing.

There the girl sat, novel in hand as her fingers skimmed across the yellow pages. "A-At first the rav-ravenous anim-m-mals were st-startled and ter-r-r-r-ified at the ch-change -- at the cessation of move-move-move-movement."

'She's reading?'


The Adin leered in silence, notifying them she was aware of their presence while the hypnotic words slipped through her lips: "B-But the strok-k-e of the pendulum already pr- pr-essed upon-upon my-my bo-som-som. It had divide-divided-d the serge o-of the rob-be."

"You can read in brail?" Asuma had strolled behind the {H/C} haired girl and peeped over her shoulder as he wondered in amazement how smart the girl could be.

"I've always wanted to learn ya know? Think you can teach me--"

On the medallion pages, were the words I slid from the embrace of the bandage and beyond the reach of the scimitar. For the moment, at least, I was free.

{S/C} fingers traced the bold letters as colored lips formed them into sentences out loud
"T-That's not brail..." The three ninja sauntered towards the mortified Jonin and the scrutinizing girl, peaking over her shoulder "Fr-Free! -- I had but escaped-escaped death in o-o-one for-form of agony, to-o-o-to-to be delivered-delivered unto wor-worse than death-death in some other. With-th-th that thought I rolled my eyes-eyes nervously around-round on the barriers-rs-rs of iron that hemmed-hemmed-hemmed me in-in-n-n-n."

A-S "As-s-s" I A-R-O-S-E "I arose-e" F-R-O-M  T-H-E  A-T-T-E-M-P-T "Fr-from the-the attempt."

'What the hell is going on?'

That girl was not reading in brail, she was reading the actual letters.



"Y-your st-stomachs, they're rum-rumbling."
Placing a finger between the pages, {Y/N} closed her book and turned around face to face with the other ninja behind her.

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