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Lucy's POV

      Ashley, Troian, and I showed up at the adoption center to pick out a child each. A nice woman there told us to hold tight as she went to go get some children. We had all decided to get girls so they could all play with each other and do each other's hair.

    The kind lady came out with at least 10 girls. It was hard to decide which one I wanted, but I saw this little girl with green eyes and I fell in love. I walked towards her and smiled.

Lucy: Hi there.

Girl: Hi!

Lucy: I'm Lucy, what's your name?

Girl: I'm Ally!

Lucy: Oh, that's a pretty name.

Ally: Thank you!

     I really wanted this girl. She was so sweet and beautiful. I told her I would be right back and walked up to the front desk.

Woman: Hello. Have you made your selection?

Lucy: Yes. I want to adopt that girl over there, Ally.

Woman: Oh Ally. She's a kind one. Just come with me and we'll do the paperwork.

Lucy: Okay!

    I go with the woman and she gave me papers to sign. After that was done we got Ally's stuff ready to go.

Ally's POV

     As I was packing my stuff my fiends came over to me.

Cube: So, you're really leaving?

Ally: Yep, this nice woman wants to adopt me.

Shay: Well, have fun Ally.

Cado: Yea, We'll miss you.

Ally: I'll miss you guys too.

     We all group hug as a woman walks up to us.

Ashley: Oh I want to adopt this one!

    The woman picks up Shay and shows her to Lucy, the woman that's going to adopt me.

Cube: Hey, if that woman adopts Shay, then she and Ally will still get to be friends!

Cado: Oh yea! That would leave us though 😔

Cube: That's Okay, We'll still have eachother.

Adopted by Troian, Lucy, and AshleyWhere stories live. Discover now