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Ashley's POV

     I saw Lucy adopt a little girl with green eyes. She asked me to go get her while she got the car seat in so walked over to where the little girl was getting ready. When I got there, I witnessed the girl and three other girls hugging. It was so beautiful. They pulled away from each other and I saw a beautiful girl. I walked up to her and picked her up.

Ashley: Hello!

Girl: Hi, I'm Shay!

Ashley: Hi Shay. I'm Ashley!

     She was so cute and beautiful. I wanted her so bad. And now her and Lucy's daughter can still be friends.

Ashley: I want to adopt you.

Shay: Really?!

Ashley: Really!

Shay: Yay!!!

    I took her up to the front desk and told the woman that I want to adopt her.

Woman: Let's go fill out papers.

Shay went to go pack up her things while I filled out her papers.

Shay's POV

Shay: I'm getting adopted by that blond lady!

Cube: Oh that's cool.

Cado: Yea, that's cool.

Shay: Don't worry. I'll call you.

Cube: Okay, sure.

Cado: Yea, sure.

I ran to my new Mommy and she picked me up.

Ashley: Yay! You're my daughter now!

Shay: Yay!!!

Ashley: You know, I have a friend named Shay. Our name is Buttahbenzo.

Shay: Ooh! Can we have a name?!

Ashley: Sure, uh, how about Minibenzo?

Shay: Yea, Minibenzo!

    I thought we were gonna leave but Ashley and Lucy were still waiting for a friend.

Ashley: Hurry Troi!

Troian: Hold on...

Adopted by Troian, Lucy, and AshleyWhere stories live. Discover now