1. Karina Hill, everybody!

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" Okay, now for my guest of the night. She's on every other tv screen, on every other poster, on every other page, of course its the one and only, the always wonderful, Karina Hill, everybody!" I heard the host announce, from where I stood back stage.
The audience cheered as I walked out onto the stage, smiling and waving. I walked over the the host and sat down.
"That was quite an introduction, thank you."
"Well it's all true. Doesn't she looks amazing everybody?" I was wearing a short, dark sequinned mini dress and black heels.
The crowd cheered again. I smiled.
"Karina, so, the last time you were on the show you were a singer"
I smiled. " yeah, longtime ago. I think that was probably my first interview ever-it's completely insane"
"And you were so young, of course, my daughters 11 and she has a had time waking up for school in the morning-how did you cope with all that fame when you were so young?"
"It wasn't easy at times but I loved what I was doing and I always had people there to support me when things got rough. But at the end of the day I love what I do and don't regret any of it"
"Well we love it too" the crowd applauded."But just tell me what's going on, you were a singer, then you were an actress, then you were modelling. Someone has clearly double dipped from the talent bucket" everyone laughed.
"Thank you, I think it's good to explore everything, I mean I've always loved preforming and I stumbled into this whole world through music- it's something I grew up with and obviously you all know my brother is a musician-" the crowd cheered. A women cried 'I love you Jamie! Marry me!'  Someone wolf-whistled.
I laughed " shh he's already infuriatingly big headed!" I joked, everyone laughed. " umm, anyway, like I said, I'm trying out different things and just taking the opportunities that are open to me and hey I'm still really young, maybe in future I will be inspired to produce more music" the crowd cheered.
" well, I think we all hope you do!" The crowd cheered louder.
"Is there a lot of competition with your brother?"
I smiled " yep, definitely. Don't get me wrong, he's family. I couldn't ask for a better brother. He's incredibly supportive- I love him to bits and I love his band. But God, I hate him sometimes"
He laughed" so there's a lot of rivalry between you to?"
"Yup. I mean, I haven't seen him in months, and when I get home, the first thing he's probably gonna mention is the fact that someone proposed to him in the middle of my interview" the crowd laugh and cheered.
"Well, seriously, you're both incredible, and so young. You're seventeen, is that right?"
I smiled "Yeah, I'm gonna be eighteen in a few months"
"Wow, now I gotta ask you something"
"Right. Fire away"
"what I understand is that there was a party recently and something happened" he said, carefully,
"Quite a few things happened at that party, most of them I can't talk about on tv" The crowd laughed.
"I have to ask, cause we all want to know."
"Umhm"  I agreed. I already knew what he was going to say.
"There are rumours that yourself and Maxon Davis split up at that very party."
"Yeah that happened." I stated bluntly. The crowd awwed.
"So all the rumours are true?"
"Well I dunno what all the rumours are. But look, all I'm gonna say about it is when your boyfriend cheats on you with one of your closest friends, you know you just gotta rethink a few relationships" He laughed.
" you sound like you're done with it all. "
"I am now. Obviously when it happened I wasn't just like 'meh, oh well, that's fine', I was more like ' screw you, I hate you, both of you'. I just went back home and cried into a pot of ice cream, alone whilst watching The Notebook. And did other various breakup activities. " the crowd laughed and 'awwwed'.
"But now you're good?"
"Yeah I'm over it. You can't sit around and wallow in self pity. You have to realise, your better off without them and get on with your life" the crowd cheered.
"Well, you're doing great without him I must say. You've got a new movie out. For anyone who hasn't seen it, can you explain what it is."
"Of course. It's called dark minds" several whoops sounded in the crowd.
"It's basically this really sexy, slightly romantic, cool, action film. It's a movie about villains- and everyone loves a good villain. It just twists everything upside down, really blurs the lines between good and bad.I don't wanna spoil anything."
"Of course yeah, Well it's a great film- You said it blurs the lines between good and bad, and that is so true- I was there at the premiere and I walked out just confused about my feelings towards the characters. You were amazing in it, really I would recommend it, in fact, everyone here tonight will have free tickets to it!" The crowd cheered loudly, I smiled.
"Aside from acting, your modelling career has also sky rocketed- you're everywhere. Vogue, puma, channel" the crowd cheered louder " and congratulations on fashion week" the cheering continued as a picture of the runway appeared behind us.
"Yep there I am. That was just an amazing experience, I'm so fortunate to be part of it all"
" well congratulations on everything, it's been a pleasure having you in the show again. But before you go, tell us, what's up next for you? What big plan is coming up next in you're future?"
"In my future I see myself taking a break." I smile and audience laugh. "Yeah, I miss my bro, and I miss sleep." He laughs.
" if anyone deserves it, it's you. Let's hear it up for Karina Hill, everybody!"
The interview finished and the YouTube video cut off. I closed my laptop and leaned back in my chair.
Damn, Kara looked amazing, she always had, but now...damn.

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