2.airports and aliases

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"Okay so, I'm going to meet you at your house in a few weeks. Remember there is a car at the airport for you when you land" she handed me a car key. "Have fun, and if you decide to start a war, please just do it as catlin not yourself."
I laughed and hugged my manager.  She looked at me, waiting for me to give her my word.
"Yes, Samantha." I drawled. 
"Good. I'll see you soon Kar- catlin" she corrected herself. I smiled, as I said good bye and walked into the airport.

Let me explain. When my singing career had taken off and everything had changed, my dad had come up with this idea, of having an alias so that I could still attend school and actually go out- grow up like a normally teenager, without all of the publicity.
I have to admit it really had come in handy.  Since I was 14 I had gone to school as catlin.
When I had started acting more seriously, I could be away for months at a time so I think that had helped to label me as the a bit of a weirdo. I hadn't been to school at all last year- I'd been too busy and i'd been tutored instead.
Let's just say, I may be famous but 'catlin'  was anything but.
My disguise consisted of a dark brunette wig with a long fringe that covered up a lot of my face and thick rimmed glasses. I paled my skin with foundation that was shades from my own colour and wore baggy clothes that covered up my whole body.
Before I had become famous I really wasn't that popular- not that I was unpopular either-i was quite nerdy and I wasn't the slimmest person in the world.
I had never had a boyfriend as catlin. And as myself, I had a very public relationship with the actor Maxon Davis (until a few weeks ago that is) for almost a year.
My only real friend was Erin - she was the only one outside my family who I had told about the disguise. Everyone else in school had thought that karina hill had dropped out and that catlin was just another nerdy new student.

Hours later, in the convertible I had been given, with my disguise off, I pulled up in front of the house. It hadn't changed at all. My parents had died 2 years ago in a car accident, me and Jamie had inherited everything. We kept the house even though half the time, Jamie was touring with the band or I was away on film sets. Still, it was home.
I heaved my bag out of the trunk and knocked on the door.
It was opened by a half-asleep, disheveled, hungover 22-year-old. Or, in other words, my brother.
"Jamie!" I jumped into a hug. He laughed.
"I didn't know you were gonna be here today!"
"Well that is the point of a surprise, idiot." I said pulling away and walking in.  "Well clearly I should have told you i was coming" i said, looking around at the mess. Dishes and leftovers, beer bottles, empty packets and dirty laundry was littered everywhere.
"Oh my god, what happened in here?"
Just then there was a thud as a guy half fell down the stairs- shirtless and hungover.
Ah, so that's what happened here. I sighed at the sight. "Good to see nothing changed with you Danny" I said to him. He stood up.
"Karebear!" He slurred pulling me into a hug, that lifted me off the ground. I chuckled.
"What the hell is going on in here?"
"Yeah it's way to early for this" I pulled away from Danny as the other two members of Jamie band stumbled into the room.
I laughed. "I wouldn't say 2 in the afternoon was early at all Liam"
Liam and Noah rubbed their eyes.
"Kara? What you doing here?"
"I honestly have no idea, it's so gross in here- I might have to leave"
"Never!" Noah pulled me into a hug and everyone joined in. I screamed.
"Guys...can't...breath...you all sink!"

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