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Keith hears a soft knock on his door, it startles him nonetheless. He's not used to having people come into his room in the morning.

"Come in"

The door opens and Lance appears behind it with the slightest most beautiful smile.

"Hey mullet, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah I did, thank you very much for asking, now what is it that you want? And what the?" - Keith finds himself asking when Lance goes back on the corridor to pick something up "what are you doing?"

'A guitar? Really? Of course he plays guitar' - Keith thinks to himself as soon as he sees Lance coming into his room with his hands full.

"So you play?"

"Well, I mean" - Lance starts saying as he sits on Keith's bed and puts himself in the position to start strumming "clearly. But that's not the point. I need your help"

"Sorry to break it to you loverboy but as you can clearly see" - Keith gestures vaguely at his empty room "I don't really know about guitars"

"Well you could know and even play but you could've also not have it with you here. BUT" - he gestures Keith to sit next to him. Lance raises an eyebrow and a smirk starts appearing "a little bird told me you do know about words"

"That motherfucker" - Keith says between his teeth

Shiro was the only one to know about Keith's passion for poetry, in fact, he was the one who made him start writing. Something about being a healthy coping mechanism.

Keith was never one to trust people. After everything he'd been through he just couldn't. He was a loner and the only person he ever really had was Shiro and he knew he could trust him. But knowing and feeling things is very different so he kept everything to himself. Until poetry happened. At first he hated writing, it felt like a waste of paper and ink but the mentor seemed to be so sure about how good it'd be for Keith's loneliness that he just kept doing it, and with time, it became a passion. He'd be so proud and excited about his poems that he couldn't help but share them with his brother from another mother. Shiro's jaw would always seem to fall on the floor because Keith doesn't seem to be the sentimental kind until you read what he writes. He's that person who notices the littlest things and keeps them close in his heart, he's the kind of person who feels a lot and turns out, actually has a lot of love to give, he's just scared to hand out his heart and only get a pat on the back in return. And boy, does he know how to express himself with words.

"Doesn't matter who told me, what matters is that I need your words my space Shakespeare"

Keith smiles at Lance's dumb antic.

When they first met, Lance didn't seem to like Keith, at all, and between the cheesy pickup lines with random aliens and the childish attitude, Keith didn't mind. He wasn't sure why he was supposed to hate him but it wasn't like he cared anyway, until he did.

It's not like Keith was in love, he couldn't even if he wanted, he didn't know Lance well enough for that. But he wouldn't mind to take the time and effort to get to know the guy. He wouldn't mind taking him on dates and holding his hand, and being able to dive as deep as he wanted in the blue of Lance's eyes. He wouldn't mind kissing the smirks off his face whenever he's about to say a stupid pun or the tears off his cheeks whenever whatever weight he's carrying got too heavy for him, because Keith wanted to know Lance's dark side, he wanted to know all of his sides. Keith wanted Lance. He WANTS Lance.

Keith doesn't know how he started developing feelings for the brunette but there was something about having the most handsome boy he'd ever seen sitting on his bed with a guitar in hand, that made Keith's heart warm so much it was showing on his cheeks.

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