❝The Pain Never Ends❞

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Chapter 1


has always been my favorite weather, to others it is wet and horrible, to me it is comforting, like the skies understand how I feel. Feeling the rain is something few people can't, I on the other hand can.

I feel the wonders of the rain. I don't care if I get soaking wet, or the fact I can get sick at any time. Today it is raining, and I am walking home from school, I don't have a car and I have no use for one.

I'm only wearing a gray hoodie, light blue skinny jeans and plain black converse. I am terrible wet, but I have no time to think about that. My backpack is full of books and more than half of them aren't even mine, and it's very heavy.

My heartbeat is racing in my chest, my hands are sweating like crazy, I'm breathing heavily. With each step I take my fear rises. I reach my house and I know I am in trouble. I'm so late, I should have been home one hour ago. I have been busy doing their homework.

It took longer than I had calculated, this is what happens when you don't have a cellphone, you lose track of time. I have never known what it is to have a cellphone, I am simply not allowed to have one.

Opening the door of my front door and going inside I am met with one angry face. My father. I knew it would eventually come to this, I just hoped he would be asleep. I can smell the scent of cigarettes in the air, it makes me want to gag.


Slamming the door he takes me by the hair and throws me on the floor, I whimper out in pain.


Alcohol smell hits my nose and I almost throw up. He takes his belt and begins hitting me. I scream out in pure pain each time the belt contacts my skin. It burns, I feel hot liquid run down my body, I know right away it is my blood.

Tears run down my cheeks from the pain my body is going through, sometimes the belt contacts the same spots since the last beating, making it hurt even more. It hurts mostly on my back but my arms, legs and stomach hurt less.


He drops the belt. It lands on the floor with a thud. He begins to kick me and punch me everywhere until he grows tired of it, soon he leaves me alone, here crying on the floor out of pain.

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