❝A Hidden Panic Attack❞

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Chapter 43


watch through the window that people are preparing this celebration, they look so happy while doing this. After all, who doesn't like a celebration that has a ball and everything.

Well, for started me. I'm not even sure if I will be able to do this. A ball in my honor seems a bit much, and this werewolf thing doesn't help either.

Damien might have explained it as best as he can, yet I still hold a lot of questions that need to be answered, but I'm afraid to ask.

These people are hosting a ball to a person that they barely know, an outside. I'm the black sheep that hides in the pack of wolves. Literally.

I also don't like it that Zelena has to take me with her to pick a dress on me and her. But this time, Damien's aunt is helping.

However, she's worse than Zelena. We've spent hours at finding a dress and I'm so tired. Every dress that I try on is always the wrong one.

Even if I like them, I'm not allowed to. They say that I need the perfect dress for the evening, but it also needs to be perfect for ripping apart.

Whatever that means. I honestly don't know what they speak of, but then again, I know nothing of their tradition and they take them rather seriously.

I've also been forbidden to know what will happen at this ball, the only thing that I know is that I will be meeting a lot of people and I'm so not ready for this.

It's all just too much for me to handle, I'm not even sure if I will be able to keep a good face and not break down in front of them, with all those eyes watching my every move, judging me amongst themselves.

We take a little break from picking a dress for everyone and I choice to go far away from them to not have to listen to them bicker all the time.

Let's just say that they don't agree on everything and their arguments are going to make me insane, it's surprising how much they can argue about the same thing.

I'm in one of the guest rooms of this mansion, it's sort of the room where I go when I need some alone time.

Mostly all the time there is someone watching over me, like if I were a child and it annoys the heck out of me and it's making me go crazy.

When it's Damien, I'm all right with it. I certainly do love his present and I happen to love the little or should I say big sparks that happen each time we touch.

I've yet to ask what they are, but somehow I don't want to ask him. He would probably believe me to be crazy, if he doesn't already.

While the adults are making everything ready for tonight, the children play outside. As most of them will be inside, sleeping while the celebration is happening. For they are too young.

The guest room is simple. The gray covers on the bed go well with the white wall and the black carpet that covers the whole floor.

The window is larger in this room, than the other guest room. For some reason, that I don't know. The guest rooms all look the same, except for this one big window.

The other rooms have smaller windows, and they don't show much of the outside world. That's why I chose to stay in the one. I like watching the world from the inside out.

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