❝Why Can't I Be Normal?❞

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Chapter 3


am woken by a sharp pain in my body, making me cry out out. Biting my lip as hard as I can to stop myself from screaming in agony, I feel blood rushing into my mouth but I brush the pain.

Crawling painfully into the house, it is in the middle of the night and my father should be asleep like the rest of the city.

Not me, the pain in my body refuses to let me have more sleep. Not that I mind, I like the night. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always admired the night's sky.

The stars are so bright and hold so much beauty. But the thing that I live most about them is that each and every star is beautiful but they are suns.

Suns that can explode and destroy one another, despite that I still admire them. The beauty in the night sky has always compelled me.

I remember when I was young my mother use to take me outside just to watch the stars and sometimes we saw shooting stars.

Most people miss out on the amazing show that happen every single night, many don't even know what is going on and ignore everything.

Slowly I make my way to the bathroom. I take out the first aid kit out of the cabinet under the sink and clean the wounds that the glass shards caused.

I know I'm not allowed to clean my wounds but I sometimes bandage my wounds behind my father's back.

Sometimes I had to pick shards out of my skin but for some reason that pain doesn't hurt very much. Cleaning my cuts and wounds is very easy and I am very used to it.

Only if I break bones I am needed to go to the hospital but otherwise I clean my own wounds that my father causes. My body is covered in bandages and plasters.

My skin has a lot of purple, green and yellow colors. Why can't my skin be smooth and pretty just like the normals girls in school have. Why can't I be normal?

Even if my skin would be beautiful no one would care about it. No one really cares about me. The last person who ever cared about me is dead forever.

Until I am dead no one is going to care for me, no one would even care even if I did die right now. Maybe it is time for me to die.

For some reason my mind is arguing with me to stay alive for some time longer but I have no idea why. My life is nothing, I am nothing. All I ever feel is pain and is it so wrong of me to want that pain gone forever? If I die I will be free from all the pain and the suffering.

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